Can love connect us even if we are miles apart?

in connection •  9 months ago 

"A meeting between two individuals is akin to a chemical reaction between two substances: In the event of a reaction, both parties undergo permanent transformation."

Carl Jung

Have you ever considered a distant loved one and received a call from them the next day? You know, like when you're thinking about your crush and they send you a new message?

What if we told you that the reason for these seemingly perfect coincidences lies in cutting edge physics? There is an enigmatic event found in quantum theory that defies every known physical law.

Particles as far apart as galaxies can still affect one another if they have previously interacted, according to a theorem known as quantum entanglement!


What relevance does this intricate theorem—which operates at the microscopic level—have for our day-to-day existence and, most all, for our romantic relationships?

Can the movement of subatomic particles be understood by the quantum entanglement hypothesis, which explains one of the biggest mysteries of humanity: love?

Physicist John Bell proposed the intriguing hypothesis of quantum entanglement in 1964, which implies that two subatomic particles are related to one another even when they are billions of light years apart.

This hypothesis states that, despite their extreme distance from one another, changes to one particle can have an impact on the other, even though it defies known principles of physics.

According to this theory, which was put forth by Einstein in front of physicist Bell during the years when the foundations of quantum physics were being established, extremely small particles act like massive objects like planets.

Subatomic particles are subject to push-pull forces from one another, much as planets are subject to gravity.

No matter how the circumstances change, when two particles, like photons or electrons, unexpectedly get "entangled," they constantly affect one another. We refer to this as quantum entanglement.

Is it possible for quantum entanglement theory to explain love?
You could be asking yourself, "If we're not highly skilled physicists, why should we care about quantum entanglement?"

In addition to these physical occurrences, human emotions—namely, the reasons behind and methods by which humans experience love for one another—remain a mystery that science seeks to solve.

Quantum entanglement is one of the most intriguing theories that have emerged recently to explain love.

There is a comparable bond between two individuals who love each other, just as two particles that share a similar state in the microscopic realm can still impact each other no matter how far apart they are.

Love draws two people together. Two people's individualities blend together to a certain degree, and their "unity" grows.

An unbreakable tie is formed between two individuals who love one other or have loved each other in the past, just as particles, if we relate this situation to the theory of quantum entanglement.

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