🍜 Fight of the Culinary Masters - The Beef Noodles Clash!! 🍜 台北牛肉麵大對決!林東芳 v 段純貞 🍜

in food •  8 years ago 

Are you still in the excitement of watching the Fight of the Century - McGregor vs. Mayweather? It's time to relax now. And... who knows? Maybe you are hungry from this mind exhausting experience? 

So maybe it's time for the Fight of the Culinary Masters!! Follow me and let me show you the most famous and representative food of the Taipei city .... the .... BEEF NOODLES (niú ròu miàn)!

If you had come to Taipei before, then you must have heard this wonderful cuisine (for those interested in its origins see here). For me, beef noodles is like the king of Chinese noodles. When I was a kid, we only ate this when there was something to celebrate since beef was really expensive at that time.

Okay, say no more. In this post, I have collected two great stores serving beef noodles. All photos are mine. All noodles were eaten by me and my wife. These two are the best of those we had during the past 6 months. The first one is genuinely from Taipei - Lin Dong Fang. Awesome beef noodles. The second one, Duan Chun Zhen, is actually from Hsin-chu (yeah, the place that produces a lot of the world's IC chips) but they have expanded to many cities in Taiwan including Taipei. Brilliant beef noodles. 



Let the Fight Begin! 開打了!上麵!

Lin Dong Fang / 林東芳牛肉麵

LDF Beef Noodles may not give you a good first impression -  the store is shabby, the kitchen and the kitchenwares, well, isn't really tidy up to a high standard. But it is always packed with customers eagerly waiting to be served a great bowl of noodles.

When it's finally your turn and you are given a small seat, maybe the table is shared with others, and after you order ... the beef noodles is here and with some side dishes... That's when you understand all of this - why this store is always packed and why the waitresses can rudely rush you to order fast.... The braised beef noodles is just outrageously delicious!! So are all the side dishes... Their spices and the specially made spicy beef oil compliment the noodles perfectly... Somebody give me another bowl!!! :~~~~~   


好不容易排到了,入座可能還得共桌。忙亂的點完後,小菜上桌,嗯!十分可口呢!每道都好吃!什麼?到處都在點熱花干,那趕緊要一份!跟著牛肉麵一起上來了!鐵碗看起來怪怪的。但好香哪!喝點湯,媽媽咪呀!這是什麼神牛肉麵啊,也太好吃了吧!那牛肉入味又軟嫩,入口即化。旁邊的辣牛油跟辣椒,跟這麵條真是絕配啊!一口一口呼嚕呼嚕不停... 噢,那花干也是真的太好吃了啦,難怪人人都點... 人牛一體,滿身大汗之後,終於可以思考...


Duan Chun Zhen / 段純貞牛肉麵

DCZ Beef Noodles, on the other hand, looks so modern and organized. This store we went is in a shopping mall at the heart of Taipei main station. DCZ looks like a professional chain store and actually they are too. They started from a small store in Hsin-Chu but keeps growing to its scale nowadays. They have 10 stores in Taiwan at the moment. 

Most of the time, this kind of food chain won't be great. They might be good, but seldom great. The logic is simple - they have great location and that's enough for them to profit, no need to work on their food so much. But obviously DCZ isn't the case. 

We ordered a beef noodles and a stewed chicken noodles along with some side dishes and two drinks. Again, everything was great, and especially the beef noodles!! The red soup looks so beautiful and delicious and it is delicious  if you like this kind of numbing spicy from its Sichuan pepper flavor. We love it!! Unbelievably tasty with its flavory Chinese sauerkraut. The chicken noodles was great too but we were here for beef noodles. The side dishes were all high above average quality. Even the two drinks were good. Awesome store. Nice environment. Reasonable prices. What else can you ask for?






Okay... So... Who is your winner tonight? Next time when you come to Taipei, you will be the judge! 


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interesting :-)
what about next time write about street food?
I would love that :-)

It looks so delicious.
I think I can eat it all.

Looks delicuous

OMG....that must be delicious beef noodles. Your photos are atract me to forget my heavy...LoL..it will be helpful of you share the way to make it, then I Will cook myself

I can cook beef noodles too... not as good as them of course... :)

Hey yeah it sounds awesome , would like to hear from you as well on how to make it.

It Seems to be delicious!! I should go to taipei. It s really far from Uruguay but I d love to go

@ivanic - Do you live in Uruguay? How awesome is that! My best friend is moving there!!

Yes 😄!! Good Luck to your friend.

nice food !!!

Ok so now we need a new meetup ^^ im looking forward to be a beef noodle judge!

no, man, you couldn't possibly meet up in these places... all we can do is eat. so meet up after we eat up! XD

Haha I meant meet up as an excuse for eating up ^^

One of my fav food in Taiwan is 牛肉麵! 😆😆😆

Buy you one when you come here. >_^


Wig wig we all go together @deanliu 😆😆

Ok. Wig will pay. He is in the money industry.


I was a food enthusiast, when I saw that culinary,so now, I very hungry, I can imagine how delicious it was, let alone it mi I never find in my town, if I get there I will definitely give it a try. it seems to me very impressed, it looks so alluring tongue me. thank @deanliu.

i kno rite

I love noodles! Like literally, I could my life eating only noodles! Thank you for sharing this one... Now I'm hungry.


Nine post 👍 good luck @deanliu

感謝介紹 ! 下次到台灣必試一下 !



搬家?是附近那間嗎?上次去就已經弄得差不多了... 應該口味不會變吧~~~

  ·  8 years ago 



  ·  8 years ago 

谢谢你 以后去叨扰您 :)

Maybe if ever I'll go there I'll try Lin dong fang...

Great choice!


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  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment


Oh my, I really want to visit Taiwan and have a food trip. Too bad my GF doesn't really like Chinese food, which is weird cause she's half-Chinese. lol

I like it..you know my dream is to make one business ..restaurant ,i want to make special soup ..thanks

all the best with your cooking dream!

Ty to share upvote and follow you

This is making me salivate!! My parents are from Taiwan - I really must go back!! Didn't realize how good the food was when I was visiting as a child! (But, (sigh), although I can speak Mandarin, I can't really read it all that well..

Come back and just use your mouth - talk and eat! :)

good job


牛肉麵一般價格高點,路邊小攤賣牛肉麵的少一些... 但還是偶而有驚奇就是了

😍 😍 😍 啊啊啊...看上去都好好吃....看得好想去台湾 ...

來吧!讓我們撐死你們~~~~ :D

莫要勾引我啊... 对美食木有抵抗力呐~ 恨不得马上去申请入台证,哈哈哈...😂


wow that looks good one of my favorite dishes.


好滴!馬上來~~~~ 段正淳 牛肉麵一份外帶!



飘香牛肉面 在夜市里 记得他家香肠超好吃 其实本来想去林东芳的 但感觉游客太多了 怕不正宗


It look sooooo delicious! I'm just feel smell of this food.

steemy beef noodles.... hmm~~~~~~

死定了... 看來我要被你驅逐台北 T_T

驅逐台北 ?? 此話怎講??

@lydiachan 賣驚,我也都沒吃過哈哈哈

所以我要去住高雄了! :D

美女,你幫我們這些涉世未深的帶個路吧~ XDD


您活脫脫就是個.... 好吧!! 我把google map寄給妳~~~

美女不帶團嗎? T A T

In this noodle fight, we have a tie. Re match!

that's a good idea... let me do it again some time... :)

This is amazing post


It makes you want to taste this specialty of Taipei 🖤🤔

I love beef and I love Chinese noodles 🍝

So I think I love you dinner 👌🏻

is that ramen or pho?? looks amazing!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

ramen is japanese and pho is vietnamese. well, I just call this Chinese noodles...

Looks delicious!



It looks yummy I really like it :)

Great post! The project is interesting . At this point I agree with you.


Congratulations @deanliu!
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У макгрегора больше мяса

very interesting love it..im getting hungry...kindly see my post also..your vote is really appreciated ,..thanks @deanliu...https://steemit.com/poetry/@mrblu/blupost-poetry-our-love-story

very delcious , you made me dreams of it
will taste for sure when i come by
great post , well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
followed you and upvoted

All your photos make me miss living in Hawaii. Eating saimin, udon or pho was my favorite.

image follow me and always upvote as I bring daily inspiration quotes to help kick start your day


Ok. Then it's Wig versus Ygern. Bring it on....


It looks very yummy.

Hmm......it got my mouth watering, can't wait to register the taste on my taste buds.

Skvělé jídlo ! My u nás v Evropě jme zvyklí jíst nezdravě. Já osobně se dám na zdravější kuchyni. Vy jste mě inspirovalo. Děkuji

Looks like it would taste good

Upvoted and followed :)

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Yummy food, let's eat. :)



  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment