The peel is used in agriculture, both in crushed and infused form. But keep in mind: the smaller the pieces of the eggshell, the easier it is for plants to absorb its substances. Therefore, in most cases, it is recommended to convert the collected material into flour.

Eggshells have long been used as a fertilizer. It is based on easily digestible calcium carbonate (92-95%) and important trace elements for the development of plants: potassium, silicon, magnesium, phosphorous, etc. All plants are fed with this fertilizer in any form.
Chemical composition
The main chemical element in the eggshell is calcium carbonate. Basic, but not the only one. In addition to calcium, the coating contains various organic substances, phosphorous, fluorine, copper, iron, and many other elements (27 in total).
Most often, shells are used as a source of natural calcium. Therefore, the source use of calcium from eggshell is much better than chalk.
What is the use of the peel as a fertilizer component?
Eggshells, due to the peculiarities of their chemical composition, are a natural limestone fertilizer with an action similar to chalk or fluff. Traditionally, these tools are used in agriculture to reduce the acidity of the soil and its structuring.

When studying the question of how eggshells are useful for the garden, it should be emphasized that it is not only an effective alkalinizing fertilizer, but also produces:
- loosening effect, reduced soil density, increased aeration, water permeability;
- enrichment of the composition of the soil with mineral components necessary for the growth and complete development of plants;
- stimulation of soil microorganisms that increase soil fertility and participate in the process of saturating plants with nitrogen.
For the acidity index of the soil to return to normal, that is, to be neutral in pH, it is necessary to add up to 500 g of nutrient mixtures prepared from eggshells per 1 m2.
List of garden crops that need calcium supplements.
Which plants are suitable for eggshell fertilizer? A question that is of particular importance for a good harvest.
Peel nutrition is necessary for crops that prefer soil with a neutral and slightly alkaline pH:
- nightshades: potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines;
- cabbage: broccoli, kohlrabi, white and cauliflower;
- bean - beans, peas;
- squash: cucumbers, zucchini, squash, squash;
- root crops: carrots, radishes, beets;
- onions and vegetables, dill.
The process of collecting eggshells for a garden consists of several stages.

1. Wash with water.
The protein that remains on the inner surface of the shell, if not washed, breaks down fairly quickly, forming an unpleasant odor.
2. Dried during the day.
Its implementation will prevent the formation of mold on the surface of the material during storage.
3. Grinding to a powder state.
The use of large parts is ineffective.
The eggshell thus prepared for the garden is stored in a paper bag or box and used as needed.
Eggshell for pest control

Eggshells not only enrich the soil with useful elements, but also help in the fight against pests and diseases. The husk powder, introduced when planting cabbage, prevents the appearance of a disease as unpleasant as a keel.
Reference for information