S.School} KR.EN 오늘의 성경통독 여호수아 1~6장

in hive-138689 •  last year  (edited)

오늘의 성경통독 여호수아 1~6장.

Source_ You version : https://bible.com/bible/88/jos.1.1.KRV
Source_ You version : https://bible.com/bible/97/jos.1.1.MSG

심비에 새기는 365구절

[2024년 03월 06일]

데살로니가전서 2:4./ 2Thesalonians 2:4

오직 하나님께 옳게 여기심을 입어 복음을 위탁 받았으니 우리가 이와 같이 말함은 사람을 기쁘게 하려 함이 아니요 오직 우리 마음을 감찰하시는 하나님을 기쁘시게 하려 함이라

On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.



하나님과 함께하는 출근길

우는 자들과 함께 울라 [로마서 12:15]
새 계명을 너희에게 주노니 서로 사랑하라 내가 너희를 사랑한 것 같이 너희도 서로 사랑하라 너희가 서로 사랑하면 이로써 모든 사람이 너희가 내 제자인 줄 알리라 [요한복음 13장 34, 35절]

2차 세계대전 때 히틀러정권이 무너지고 사람들을 보호하시기를 모두가 기도했을때 시편 91편의 하나님의 보호하심의 말씀대로 이루어지는 놀라운 중보기도의 역사가 나타났습니다. 여러가지 상황이 아무리 어려울지라도 우리에게 우리가 그저 받았던 사랑! 그저 주라고 말씀하신 예수님의 말씀따라 이웃을 사랑하고 중보기도로 간구하며 나아갈때 주님뜻대로 하는 기도는 하나도 땅에 떨어지지 않습니다.
오늘도 눈을 들어 산을 보며, 하나님의 도움을 구하며, 함께 중보기도하며 나아가기를 원합니다.
"너는 내게 부르짖으라 내가 네게 응답하겠고 네가 알지 못하는 크고 은밀한 일을 네게 보이리라(예레미야 33:3)말씀의 역사가 오늘도 우리의 중보기도를 통해서 나타나시길 기도합니다

The source came from my Bible translated by @handword

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HI @handword

hope you doing well. We have some restrictive rules on our Steemit platform. You must have to follow those rules. Doing copy from other sources is a violation of our Steemit platform rules. To be a real blogger you must have to use your creativity. Your content is totally copied from another source. You have to mention or give the link from where you copied the content. Otherwise, it will be considered as plagiarism. Also, you only can take 25% (of course have to mention the source ) articles from somewhere else according to your blog and the remaining 75% have to write on your own. Hope you will try to follow our Steemits rules from now on.

Thank you.

Your post is written from this source link. you copied from other sites as well.

  ·  last year (edited)

Hi. I'd like to help you understand.
When I wrote about Bible that i had put on the link witihn http:// .
When you clik it you know where it came from such a sample like YouTube.
And other languages on Bible verse are translated by me. The sourse of diffetent language of Bible that I purchased. Using own book is out of copywrites. So these posting over Bible that is not plagiarism as a Christian!.

As you see other posting of mine that I created all of that are what I am who is not fake writer. I do my best to created posting and advertise steemit on my other blogs as well. You made my bad days on steemt these days.
I understood what you are tried but you don't have understand on article of mine.

So your post is related to religious verse?

  ·  last year (edited)

That's right. (Reading the Bible.) YouVersion is an app that can be shared freely like YouTube, so it was shared through http:// ...address on my posting because it's common on SNS posting without downloading the app to read. When reading Bible passages in Korean, it is not unusual to write and read English, Japanese, and Chinese together in multiple languages. Our church has a worship department in the above three languages, so usually four languages—Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese—are written at the same time. I can speak English and Japanese, and Chinese characters are letters used in Korea.

Thanks for the information.

You are welcome.
