The World of XPILAR- portrait김어준/ He is the bastion of Korea's liberal media.

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago  (edited)

I drew Kim Eo-jun.


He is the bastion of Korea's liberal media.

He's fighting hundreds of fake media on his own.

Korea's media landscape is unique.
All journalists who have long resisted Japanese imperialism and military dictatorship have disappeared. For a while, the media served Samsung as nothing more than a cash cow.
For the past 20 years,he has served as a puppet for theprosecutor, which monopolizes the right to prosecute and investigate.
Corrupted political leaders, prosecutors, the media and businesses formed cartels.

Progressive politics, journalists are always subject to 70 raids and family imprisonment for fluffy mistakes. (They really kill themselves.)

He lived very freely and took on the role of clamoring to investigate and send the corrupt president to prison for some time now. It was very successful and now runs a small radio news anchor and YouTube.

South Korean media refer to him when they want to publish a progressive truth in the current political situation.

He is very talkative and fearless. Smart, humorous and impolite.
His motto is simple.

"Don't be afraid, Shit(curse)!"

제 생각에 그는 현재 혼자서 수많은 기레기와 싸우고 있죠.
한국의 미디어 지형은 심하게 기울어진 운동장이고.
일제와 군사독재에 저항하던 언론인들이 모두 사라졌고
한동안 언론은 삼성에, 그리고 기소검사들의 밑을 빨아주거나, 기사를 받아쓰며 살고있다.
부패한 정치 지도자, 검찰, 언론, 기업들이 카르텔을 형성했다.
진보적인 정치,언론인들은 항상 솜털같은 실수에도 영혼까지 털린다. (진짜 자살한다.)
이런 상황에서도 MB감옥보내는데 큰 역할 했죠.
모든 언론이 진보적 기사 쓸 땐 늘 교통방송 ㅋㅋㅋ 취재할 시간도 없는건 이해해 아주..ㅎㅎ
어준 모토는 한 때 "쫄지 마,시바!"

How to drow


Water-soluble colored pencils + watercolor paints



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An extraordinary drawing friend. It was very beautiful how you drew it. It was identical. Thank you very much!



  ·  3 years ago (edited)

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ무송보단 섹시하죠 ㅎㅎ

당사자가 보면 아주 좋아할 그림이에요. ㅎㅎㅎ

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

어준총수 소장각으로 그려서 걸어 뒀는데 두고 봐야죠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3월 10일 새벽 공장장의 표정이 떠오르네요. 그 이후로 뉴스를 안보고 안듣고 있는데... 공장장이 이렇게 스파르트가 되어 있었네요ㅋㅋ

공장장 ㅎㅎ


ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 졌습니다

Hello, what a pleasure to see your artistic work. Very nice portrait, well defined. I congratulate you, I admire talented people like you, who are capable of creating such impressive drawings. Greetings from Venezuela..