수잔과 같이 여행해요 #16 - 심천! 😍🎀 Travel with Me #16 - Shenzhen! 🎪🌴【跟著Susan去旅行 #16 - 深圳】🎠

in kr •  7 years ago  (edited)

여러분 안녕하세요🌹! 홍콩에서 온 수잔 입니다!

Hi my dear Steemit friends🌹! This is Susan:)

한국어 배운지 2년이 넘었어요!ㅋㅋ 지난번에 저는 한국어 능력 시험에게서 4급을 받았는데요 ㅋㅋ 여러분 기억나세요? 📖 이번에는 저는 심천 에 갔는데요! 여러분이 저와 심천에 가서 유명한 한국 식당 에서 식사하면 어때요? 🇰🇷 좋으면 빨리 갑시다!ㅋㅋ

I've learnt Korean for over 2 years and I'm still excited when I think of my good results in Test of Proficiency in Korean LOLL!📖 In today's "Travel with Me", I'm gonna take you to a nice Korean restaurant in Shenzhen 🇰🇷 Are you ready for it? Let's go!!!



본가 Bornga


한국어 선생님께서 이 식당은 정~~~말 맛있다고하시길래 우리가 갔어요 ㅋㅋ 여기가 환경 진짜 좋아요🌸 식탁도 넓고 복도도 넓어서 정말 편해요. 프라이버시를 원하면 방도 있는데요:)

Bornga is a well-known Korean restaurant in Shenzhen, and it was strongly recommended by my native Korean teacher at the Uni. Stepping into the restaurant, we were surprised by its pleasant environment🌸 . It was quite spacious, and there were private rooms for those who wants some privacy:)





베란다 까지 있네요! 식사를 끝난후에 여기가면 좋아요~~ 친구와 같이 조용한곳 에서 예기할수있는데다가 예쁜 풍경도 즐길수 있어서 진짜 좋아용😌

There's even a balcony!! It's a nice place to go when you have finished the meal, as you can enjoy the view outside while chewing the fat with your friends.😌




재미있는 지식: 식당의 벽에 이거 걸리고 있었어요. 여러분 혹시 이건 뭔지 아세요?👇
Interesting Facts: We found these on the wall. Did you know what they are?👇


이건 하회탈 입니다. 🎭 한화탈은 하회마을에서 전해져 온다해 붙여진 이름이에요. 하회탈은 하국의 많은 탈 중에서 유일하게 국보로 지정된 한국의 문화적 유산이며 가면미술 분야에서 세계적인 걸작으로 평가받고 있어요. 🇰🇷

These are Hahoe masks. 🎭 Among the numerous types of masks in Korea, the Hahoe masks are the only ones designates as national treasures. They were designed to display dynamic features during plays.


하회탈은 사실적 조형과 해학적 조형을 합해 각 신분적 특성을 표현했고, 그 특성에 합당한 관상까지도 지니고 있어요. 또한 얼굴은 좌우를 비대칭적으로 만들어 고정된 표정을 피하고 ⬅️➡️, 모두가 각 성격의 특성에 알맞은 표정을 짖도록 만들어졌어요. 👺

Hahoe masks represent the social position, occupation and economic status of different people. They were deliberately made asymmetrical in order to to avoid rigid-looking expressions ⬅️➡️, and also to make them look like real human faces.👺


주문하기 전에 우리에게 미역국, 소즈와 반찬 을 줬어요. 🍵 이 미역국이 아주 섰어요 ㅠㅠ 한국에서도 그래요? ㅋㅋ

Before making orders we were given some starters and a bowl of seaweed soup. The soup was reallyyyyy sour TVT So friends from Korea, should Korean seaweed soup taste like this? ㅋㅋ




It's HOT !!!


고기 왔어요! ㅋㅋ 맛있어 보였어요!

Here comes the meat! Looks very delicious, isn't it?;pp



저는 구기를 구우려던 참이었는데 웨이터는 와서 우리에게 고기를 구워줬어요! 와, 이런 서비스 처음 이었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ

When I was about to grill the meat, a waiter came and started to do it for us!! Woww, it's the first time I've ever enjoyed such service in a Korean restaurant LOLLL!



불고기를 많이 먹어 봤는데 쌈밥 먹는걸 처음 이었어요! 채소가 진짜 신선하네요!

Although it's not the first time I've ever ordered grilled meat in Korean restaurants, I hadn't tried ssam pap (meat wrapped in vegetables) before! The vegetables were super fresh!! 🍉


고기, 김치, 열무김치등이 상추에 놓고 만두 모양으로 만드면 돼요 🌿 :)) "쌈밥"은 한국에서 "행복"라는 의미가 있다고 해요. 여러분, 맞아요?

Just put everything on the leaf and it's done 🌿 :)) It's said that "ssam pap" symbolizes "happiness" in Korean, so the Korean like it very much.




먹어봤너니 쌈밥을 진짜 맛있네요! 고기가 부드럽고 즙이 많았어요 🎉ㅋㅋ 그리고 야채를 많이 먹을수 있으니까 건강에 좋은거 같았어요 ㅎㅎ

It's just yummy!!! The meat was chewy and juicy while the lettuce was crunchy🎉. Because of this special way of eating I ate a lot of vegetables;pp I felt healthy!!!



살벌보니까 벽에 한복이 걸리고 있네요! 이건 중전이 입었던 화려하고 우아한 한복이에요👸. 중전은 조선의 국모였기 때문에 화려한 당의를 입었고 용, 봉황 등이 금이나 은박 자수로 놓여졌어요.🐉🐲

There're HANBOKs (Korean traditional dresses) hanging on the wall!! Below is the Hanbok wore by the queen during the Joseon Dynasty 👸. As the queen was regarded as the mother of the nation, her Hanbok have to look beautiful and elegant. Therefore, we can often find dragon and phoenix patterns on her Hanbok.



그리고 이건 양반은 입었던 한복이에요. 저는 이 스타일 제일 좋아해요😍!!

And this was the Hanbok wore by Yangban (Korean traditoinal ruling class). I've found my favourite style😍!!



이건 기생이 입었던 한복이에요. 화려하죠?💃

This was the Hanbok wore by Korean entertainers during the Joseon Dynasty. Very pretty, isn't it?


마지막은 수랏간 상궁이 입었던 한복이에요. 여러분 아시죠? "장굼"은 최고의 의녀였을 뿐만 아니라 수랏간 최고 상궁이었어요. 오나라~ 오나라~ 아주 오나~ 🎶ㅋㅋ

At last, this is the Hanbok wore by Sang-gung (female cook who served the king during the Joseon Dynasty). The well-known Sang-gung Dae Jang-geum appears frequently in Korean dramas!!!


대장금 Dae Jang-geum



우리가 점심후에 옆에있는 쇼핑몰에 갔어요. 2018년은 개년이는데 🐶여기에 귀여운 강아지가 많네요!

After having lunch we went to a shopping mall next to the restaurant. As you may know the year 2018 is "the Dog's Year" in Chinese culture 🐶, and guess what? I found a lotsssss of puppies here!!!!









예쁜 것 정말 많았어요😍!

And there were other cute things😍!








장난감 있을뿐만 아니라 재미있는 전자 제품 도 많네요! 🚀 아이언맨을 좋아하는 친구 있어요? ㅋㅋ

Not only could we find lovely toys, we could see a lot of high-tech products. 🚀 Anyone who likes Iron Man? LOLL!



이건 AI 예요!! 이 AI 가 노래와 얘기하는걸, 일기예보, 알람, 계산하는걸......다 할수 있누나!😆

Guess what it is! It's an AI !!!!!! It can sing, tell stories, do math, make weather forecast, work as an alarm... you name it!! 😆




ㅋㅋ저는 싱천에서 행복한 시간 지냈어요😌 여러분 중국에 오면 심천에 가세요, 정말 재미있을 거예요 :) 이 글을 다 읽어주셔서 감사합니다🌹우리 다음에 만납니다!

haha we spent a fruitful day in Shenzhen 😌. If you come to China please do visit Shenzhen:) Thanks for reading, and see you next time!!🌹


很久沒用韓文在Steemit發文了XD 就算是現在,我想起自己韓文能力測試拿到4級的事情還是很興奮呢haha! 在今天的「跟著Susan去旅行」中,我會帶大家到深圳旅行哦:) 我們會去一家很出名的韓國餐廳——本家吃飯🇰🇷!就讓我們啟程吧!

一進餐廳就發現這裏的環境很好。不僅乾淨,而且十分寬敞。如果想要神秘一些(?),還可以到包廂吃呢!外面居然還有一個陽台!☀️ 吃完飯到陽台與朋友聊聊天看看風景,真是一種享受呢:)

大家看到牆上掛著的面具了嗎?這些是「河回假面」,以它們的發源地河回命名。🎭 河回假面是韓國眾多假面中唯一被指定為國寶的假面。韓國老百姓戴著象徵不同社會經濟地位的假面,用舞蹈來表達對現實的批判和諷刺。不知道大家沒有沒有發現這些假面是不對稱的呢?👺 原來,這是為了讓假面更逼真,也能避免死板的表情。

在點菜之前,服務員就貼心地為我們端上不同的醬料、前菜和海帶湯。不知為何這碗海帶湯特別特別酸,跟我在韓國喝的不太一樣呢!🍲去過韓國的朋友,你們有沒有喝海帶湯的經驗呢?XD 上菜了,當我們正準備自己烤肉的時候,一位服務員突然(?)出現在我們身後,開始幫我們烤肉!雖然我在許多的韓國餐廳吃過烤肉,但這種服務還是第一次呢!hehehe! 大家可能會奇怪:為什麼桌子上有這麼多的蔬菜呢🌿?原來,韓國人在吃烤肉的時候喜歡把肉和小菜包在菜葉裏,然後捏成包子的樣子,做成「包飯」:) 🍚 在韓國,「包飯」有「包福」之意,所以是幸運的象徵呢!包飯真的很好吃,多汁的肉加上脆脆的菜,簡直是絕配!因為這種吃法,我吃了好~多菜哦!我感覺自己瞬間變得更健康了😎!

這間餐廳的裝飾也很到位,牆上掛了各種各樣的韓服:) 第一張照片中的是朝鮮時期中殿(皇后)穿的。👸 因為是「國母」,所以她的韓服十分華麗,通常有龍和鳳凰的圖案🐲。第二張照片中的是「兩班服」,是我最喜歡的風格哦!而「兩班」是朝鮮的世族階級。第三件韓服是藝妓穿的💃,而最後一件是御膳房尚宮服。說起「御膳房尚宮」,大家是不是第一個想起大長今呢?;ppp 她不僅是御膳房最高尚宮,也是一位醫術精湛的御醫。💊

酒足飯飽後,我們去了旁邊的商場:) 一踏入商場,我就被這家名為「19八3」的商店吸引去了。2018年是狗年🐶,而我們發現,這裏有好~多可愛的小狗哦!😚 店裏不僅有各種各樣的玩具和精品,還有許多高科技產品呢!!照片中像音響一樣的東西是AI(人工智能)哦!!!它不僅會唱歌、講故事,還能算數、翻譯、當鬧鐘......真的很先進呢!

我們在深圳度過了充實的一天:) 哈哈今天就先寫到這裏吧,謝謝讀到這裏的你們🌹!我們下次見,預祝大家農曆新年快樂!!!


Address 👣:
Floor 2u, Block11, OCT Harbour, Shenzhen, China

Phone ☎️:


Please follow me @susanlo! Thankrs a lot for your support! ❤️

請追蹤我 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!❤️

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我從來都沒有要扮韓妹!!😠 你看我妝都不化~

Cheer Up! 많은 사람들이 이 포스팅에 관심을 갖고 있나봐요!

  • from Clean STEEM activity supporter

감사합니다! ㅋㅋ

한국어 잘 하시네요. 질문하신 음식은 미역오이냉국인데 미역국하고는 다릅니다. 시원하게 먹는 음식이구요 신 맛이 강한 게 정상입니다. 한 번 맛들이시면 좋아하게 되실 거에요 :)

정말 정말 감사합니다 isi3님!! ㅎㅎ저는 한국어 정말 잘 하고싶어요!
아, 그게 미역국 아니구나! 자세히 설명해주 셔서 감사합니다!!ㅋㅋ또 한번 미역오이냉국을 먹을 게요! :))) Cheers!

That looks an excellent place to eat Korean foods. Thanks for sharing. I was at the Chinese Restaurant yesterday at La Zenia, Spain and had excellent noodle with fried duck! My kids also loved it. They don't eat ducks but they found rise noodle very good! :)

Haha thanks for your reply!! I'm glad you like Chinese food!! As a Chinese I love it very much too<3 haha yup Chinese noodle is really famous, and also Peking ducks!! Wish you could try more Chinese food in the future! Cheers!

such a great post! and really impressed by your korean skills :) 멋있어요!

Thanks a lottttt sshin91님! Haha I've practised Korean for 2 years and I'm reallyyyy happy to have your recognition!! 감사합니다!:))

Great blog as always - 每次 interesting facts 都很有趣 👍


심천 한번가보고 싶게하는 포스팅이네요ㅎ 완전 좋아요 ㅎ

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

ㅋㅋ정말요? 감사합니다! :) 중국에 가시면 심천에 꼭 가보세요! ㅎㅎ

분위기가 아주 근사한 곳이군요.

네, 분위기가 정말 좋앙요!:))

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Multi-lingual and talented.

What a shame I barely mumble kamsamida.

Thanks a lotttttt prch :))) hahaha it's nice already to rmb 'kamsamida' coz it doesn't resemble Cantonese at all ;ppp

好吸引啊,超想現在就飛去韓國,你的分享超棒 =] 🤤🤤



沒關係呀!!因為這裏的裝修呀什麼的真的很像韓國XD 很感謝你留言呢!!>V<

음식이 너무 정갈해보이네요.ㅎ
편안한 저녁 되세요^^

ㅋㅋ감사십니다! tip2yp 님 도 좋은 저녁 되세요:))


多謝 Konaaaa😆

한글잘하시네요. 사진도 멋지고요

감사합니다 syskwl 님 ㅋㅋ 심천은 정말 좋은 곳이에요 :)

나는 한국의 바베큐가 그리워. 와 롯데 월드!

ㅋㅋ진짜? ㅎㅎ 한국을 정말 좋아하구나 XD 나도 좋아!

겨울이 가장 좋은시기 야.

응응, 맞아 XD

Tony Stark is the best :-) better than those miniature house decor. haha.

Haha seems that you're a SUPER fan of Tonyyy! Yup I agree he's cool 😎

Yes, I enjoy that ride in Disney HK.

Haha as a HKer I haven't even tried that!! Will go next time!! XD

I was enjoying and laughing many parts and there was a few ladies behind me screaming so much.

Ohhhhh really? I'm pretty sure I'll be the one who screams XD seems really exciting ;ppp

  ·  7 years ago 



那个机器蛋家里也有一个,可是不好用,AI 挺笨的。




Hahaha多謝goodboy!!! 有空去深圳可以試試哦!我會繼續努力的!😆😆

Cool, your trip is fun, you can visit where
wrote several places in Shenzhen. Surely you so happy huh? will the food there is nothing in the recommendations other than those you wrote in post? @susanlo

Haha thanks! Yup I had a great time, and of course there're other recommendations! Actully there're lotssss of restaurants nearby and you can try them one by one ;p

aha semoga saya bisa mencobanya suatu saat nanti jika berkunjung ke Korea.. kalau ke sana lagi jangan lupa ajak saya ya hahaha.. Just kidding :p


haha 謝謝mark!! 對呀,這間餐廳很漂亮,還有多樣的菜式,真的值得一去呢!

Nice post @susanlo. I'm upvote for U

Thank you salman.craf :)

I am grateful to you @susanlo

정말 맛있어 보이네요!!
Look so delicious... this blogging makes me hungry 😭

ㅋㅋ네, 진짜 맛있어요! 기회가 생기면 꼭 가보세요 ㅎㅎ



I love this Korean food so much! Making a kind of sandwich of the meat and salad is so nice! Better than a hamburger :) Is it common in China to eat Korean food?

Haha thanks!! Right it could taste better than a hamburger!! In Hong Kong there're lotss of Korean restaurant, so it's quite common to have a Korean meal sometimes!! :)

Wow that is really good story. I read with enthusiasm. Very interesting pictures. Thanks my dear @susanlo. Well done! @bugavi

Thank you :)

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Hiya, just swinging by to let you know that this post made the Honorable mentions list in today's Travel Digest!

Thanks a lot!! :) glad to have your support!

Tony Stark is the best :-) better than those miniature house decor. haha.

so cute!
