What are typical signs of social anxiety and what you can do

in life •  3 months ago 

Everyone knows how to feel insecure and nervous around others. However, some people find that this insecurity grows and develops into social anxiety.

Maybe you don't dare go to the supermarket anymore. Just the thought of standing in line with the other customers makes your heart race.

A boy standing in front of a group of people and looking uncomfortable. He is worried and nervous. Illustrates the physical sensation of having social anxiety.

Or maybe you start skipping the weekend parties. Not because you don't want to be with your friends. It just feels too overwhelming.

Fortunately, there are good techniques for dealing with social anxiety. Some people find that the anxiety disappears completely over time. Others learn to live with it so that it no longer controls their lives.


Regardless, the sooner you get help, the faster you can recover.

Start by checking these out…

You get physically uncomfortable with others
From the outside, there is nothing dangerous about standing in line at Føtex. Or presenting something to the class. It is not dangerous in the same way as climbing Mount Everest or wrestling with a lion.

Nevertheless, many people with social anxiety experience their bodies reacting in the same way as if they were in a truly dangerous situation.

Some people also experience a feeling of unreality. What is it? You might be wondering. It can best be described as being inside a cheesecloth. That is, as if there is a filter between you and the rest of the world – and everything feels blurry.

One sign of social anxiety is nausea. Here the symptom is illustrated with a girl holding onto a rumbling stomach while covering her mouth.
You know that feeling: You're going to a party this weekend. And on Tuesday, your inner critic starts to whine:

But on the way home you think: 'They probably think I said something completely stupid' , 'They only spoke to me out of pity' , 'They could definitely see that I was sweating profusely' .

In this way, fear becomes a magic mirror that inflates any mistakes into giant sizes and makes your successes tiny.

In short you constantly ponder the reasons and motives behind even the smallest glance. And every time you reach the same conclusion: The others don't like me. I messed up. I'm not good enough.

If you feel this way, you're far from alone. Just watch our letterbox video about overthinking, where we answer a question from a young person who is constantly worried about what her friends think of her.

Are you constantly afraid of doing something wrong? Afraid that others will think badly of you? Afraid of being laughed at?

Then it's only natural that you don't like attracting attention or being the center of attention. Maybe you'd rather be invisible. Fly under the radar so no one notices you.

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