Self-knowledge, key to Personal DevelopmentsteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  last year 

In my opinion, self-knowledge is a cornerstone of emotional intelligence; I'll even go so far as to say that it's the foundation of professional effectiveness. It is characterised by the potential to recognise one's aptitude for one task as opposed to another. Recognise your needs and limitations. But it also acts as a vehicle for confidence.

The importance of self-knowledge as a daily soft skill in both the professional and personal spheres will be demonstrated through a variety of examples.

In a study that was just released by Morin and Racy (2021), we find that self-knowledge affects all facets of daily life: "Self-knowledge


Psychology is the study of actual, factual information that a person knows about himself. This includes information on one's emotional state, personality traits, interpersonal connections, behavioural patterns, beliefs, values, wants, ambitions, and tastes.

"Self-knowledge develops our ability to live consistent and fulfilling lives," claims Schaffner's study from 2020. Additionally, it teaches us how to control our emotions and helps us understand our motivations and fears.
Therefore, self-knowledge is practised every day and in all contexts. It takes part in the process of creating an individual.

Knowing oneself is a crucial soft skill for any employee.
This is where his professional effectiveness lies because he needs to be independent and confident in his decisions. Self-knowledge does, in fact, lead to self-confidence, motivation, or even perseverance.

The collaborator must be aware of his or her own limitations as well as their own strengths and weaknesses in order to increase productivity. And in this regard, self-awareness is a crucial component of effective professional performance.
It is possible to utilise it, just like with all soft skills.

Take a step back whenever you are trying to improve your professional efficiency or your personal development.
I provide you with some workouts to get this process going.
You can begin by asking yourself, "Who am I intrinsically?" After that, you can respond, "How do I think others perceive me?"

I invite you to have a discussion about the second question with your family, friends, and peers. Self-knowledge development tools are available. This "soft skill" can be developed by using a personality test; it is an interesting starting point for learning more about the personality and the innate propensities to develop particular skills.

Personality assessments are great tools for gauging self-awareness. These tests produce the information and data needed for the growth of self-confidence, another soft skill. Additionally, this soft skill will help you in both your personal and professional life.

Knowing oneself is a step towards developing confidence.
You can gain confidence by having a more positive view of yourself thanks to self-knowledge.

Each of you has probably experienced a situation in your professional or personal life where you were able to make an impression because you were an expert in your field.

Beyond competence and self-assurance, self-knowledge here is crucial to your success. You'll be able to speak with confidence thanks to this understanding of yourself, which will make you seem "sure" at the time T.

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