Why learning to say no is about asserting yourself

in life •  10 months ago 

You have to start a new job, watch your sister, or spend the weekend with your mother-in-law because you're stuck on the weekend again.

What's wrong with you? You agree with everything! We should be able to say no. Do you think that if I say no, I'll hurt someone, let you down, and make you feel bad?

Unfortunately, our bad luck is not fate... We're not going to do it. We already know how to give up our own wants and not be able to say no, so we can also learn how to say no and make our decisions clear without any hesitation.


When you are a kid, it's easy to say "no" and "object," but how do adults come to think that objecting is rude and messy?

The social rules that make kids submissive and passive are slowly destroying our relationship with ourselves.

As an adult, this situation can make relationships like family, work, friendships, and love relationships difficult. It can also keep a person from being at peace by keeping his mind busy all the time.

Why is it so hard for everyone to say "No"? What makes us want to make others happy even if it means seeming to agree with ideas we don't agree with?

How does the fear of not being liked or accepted affect our relationships? What does saying "no" when it's appropriate help you become a real person and give you power?

We know what's going on and why we always say yes. We're afraid of being unhappy if we say no, of not being able to finish the job, of hurting our friendship with the other person, and of being loved less...

It's so strong that we sometimes say yes to things that don't work for us just to please other people. It's unhealthy to try to please everyone.

To love himself, first one has to learn how to say "no." You stop treating yourself and making choices that are good for you when you can't say no. Why is refusing so important?

Saying "no" is a way to stand up for yourself. This is really important for mental toughness and self-confidence. Here is a list of the good things that will happen in your life if you say "no."

Being free to be yourself and live your life in line with your values. Taking care of your limits and yourself.

Most of the time, we say yes to everything without thinking because we want to be liked or appreciated.

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