How to use the Wheel of Life to take stock of your lifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  last year 

Are you currently experiencing a turning point in your life and do you feel the need to reflect?

It seems as though your spiritual self was urging you to take your time and give your past experiences, decisions, and unhappiness some sort of meaning.

Additionally, and more importantly, give your desired future direction.

In this article, I'll go over how to conduct this process of introspection and advance along your path to fulfilment by using the Wheel of Life.


It's crucial to realise that in order to improve a situation, we require two things:

Clarity regarding where to begin and where to go comes first.

Today, where are you?
What outcome would you prefer to see instead?
Secondly, methods for gauging our advancement.

How can you objectively judge whether you are progressing in the right direction or whether the desired outcome has actually been attained?
And for that, the most straightforward and efficient course of action is to routinely assess your life, like a freeze frame at a particular moment, to determine your areas of satisfaction and your areas for improvement.

I advise you to make use of a well-known coaching and personal development tool to assist you in conducting this inventory.

It goes by many names. The Life Report and the Wheel of Life are two names for it.

I personally like to discuss Life Score.
Indeed, the main thing to pay attention to is the numbers!

You are free to present these findings in any way that appeals to you, as we shall see below, including as a wheel.

I strongly advise you to watch the video that is at the article's beginning. You can read more about Pierre in the example I use to describe the next seven steps.


Step 1: Make a list of your top priority areas in life.
Making a list of the most crucial aspects of your life that you want to evaluate is the first step.

In the case of Pierre, our common thread example, he decided to think about the following 5 areas of life because he wanted to conduct a general inventory of his life:

health relationships with oneself and others
Life in general Life in the workplace

You'll notice that everything is clearer after completing this exercise!

You emerge from a "blur" of unhappiness, and you are able to express what is wrong with your life and what you decide to fix first.

You only need to define your personal and/or professional development objectives for this seventh stage of the Wheel of Life, and most importantly, the concrete steps that will be taken to achieve the balance of your ideal life that you have set for yourself.

This methodical approach makes it simple to evaluate your life.

You develop self-awareness and the ability to live in the present moment by regularly practising it.

You increasingly make decisions about your life rather than just enduring it, staying true to who you are and what is most important to you.

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