Crucial To Considering Change

in life •  4 years ago 

"Stuck in contemplation of change?" it is my beloved friend, and I hear you. It is a question I get asked a lot from people who are not so excited about the prospect of change. What they don't understand is that change is inevitable, unless we choose to be unready for it. If we resist change, then we may find ourselves stuck in a place of resistance to change, which will not serve us very well.

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One of the reasons we have free will is because we are accountable to ourselves. When we make choices, we are choosing to be responsible for those choices. For instance, when we decide to eat cookies, we are choosing to make ourselves responsible for the way those cookies are made, and what ingredients go into them. We decide what to do with bread. We can stop at anytime to take a bite, or several bites, of our chosen piece of bread. That is a sign of self Accountability.

If someone else makes that choice for us, and we don't make it, then that is not an option for us either. We both have to decide to make changes, and if one of us decides not to, then that is where that choice ends. No one else has made that choice for us yet.

So, what does this mean for Contemplating Change? It means, that until we have made a commitment to change, and we have committed to the change, it is not yet changed. You might have heard the phrase, "A dog bites a dog," right? Well, same thing goes for change. The dog owner has to accept responsibility for the dog biting, or else he or she won't be able to take the dog to the vet for medical attention.

So how do we handle Contemplating Change? We start by saying to ourselves, "I am willing to make the changes necessary for this new situation." If there is resistance, then we have to say, "That is not me, that is you." It's really that simple.

Some people make it even easier by saying things like, "I am willing to change." This works very well if you just say it out loud a few times, and then carry on with your life. If you have not made any real changes, just keep repeating the statement, "I am willing to change." Don't hold back anything. This will get the change going. When you are talking about making a change, this phrase will give you encouragement and inspiration.

Do you want to have a positive outcome for your efforts? If you want a positive outcome, you need to really believe that it can happen. You must have a strong feeling of satisfaction with whatever change you are contemplating. Even when you are not feeling very positive about something, if you can say it with full conviction, that is enough to drive your efforts in that direction. If you don't believe you can bring about change, it won't happen.

Contemplating change does not have to be a terrible thing. Sometimes it's a very good idea to look at how you are currently accomplishing what you want to accomplish. Once you know what works for you, start to put some more into practice. That way, you have a stronger sense of satisfaction when you do get your desired results.

This is very important, especially if you have been resisting change because you feel it will be too big a hassle. You might have even convinced yourself that the more you delay, the more control you will have. That could be holding you back from the things that would really help you. Take a look at your daily life. What would be a better change than to remove a tooth ache instead of trying a new toothache pain reliever?

If you haven't noticed, there are always obstacles in life that we don't want to see. However, they are often the best teacher. The ones that show us the way. Obstacles are very helpful because they show us what needs to be changed. So don't delay - get started right away.

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As you make changes, don't be afraid to share them with others. You might even find that you will be able to gain support from those around you. They will want to help you make the changes so that they can also benefit. As you move through life, remember that your choices will affect those around you and they need to too.

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