Can we learn to be friendly ?

in life •  2 months ago 

Are we naturally inclined to be kind, or is it something we can develop? This exploration highlights the significance of kindness in improving our world and reveals its surprising health benefits.

What is kindness? The Oxford Dictionary describes kindness as 'the quality of being kind' and 'a kind or helpful act.' However, true kindness is more complex, as it requires giving without expecting anything in return.

According to psychologist Suzy Reading, kindness enriches our souls, nurtures relationships, strengthens families and communities, and enhances our sense of self-worth and belonging.


Why is kindness beneficial? Acts of kindness give a warm feeling. “When we perform kind deeds, our brain releases dopamine, resulting in a 'helper’s high,'” explains Suzy.

Research indicates kindness activates the brain’s pleasure center, boosting serotonin levels, which improves mood. Higher serotonin enhances self-esteem and reduces depression and anxiety.

It also promotes better sleep. Surprisingly, kindness lowers heart rates and stress levels, leading to a stronger immune system and reduced disease risk. This is linked to oxytocin, known as the happiness hormone.

Dr. David Hamilton, a friendship researcher and chemist, states oxytocin is essential for the cardiovascular, immune, and digestive systems. Without oxytocin, survival wouldn't be possible. Therefore, without kindness, our existence is also at risk.

Can we learn to be kind? The positive news is that we all have genes for kindness, particularly oxytocin, according to Dr. Hamilton. It fosters maternal love, ensuring human survival, and encourages mutual support for the common good.

Although everyone has varying levels of kindness, life experiences can lead some to act selfishly. However, everyone possesses the oxytocin gene. A person’s behavior often stems from learning, circumstances, or their upbringing.

This is why teaching kindness has gained importance globally, as it is a skill we can all nurture and promote.

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