Breath Yoga

in meditation •  6 years ago  (edited)

This is a wonderful and rather easy yoga. It is rather important, though, to try and sit with your spine straight and legs crossed (but don't hurt yourself). I have my back supported by my awesome old Italian couch! But a coconut tree would work, too! Don't worry so much about the words or mantras if they freak you out--just sit and do the breathing. The Breath of Fire takes a little practice and should be done gently in coordination with a gentle pulling in of the diaphragm​. Holding the breath​ is called Mul Bhand...I'll link a file below that goes into the details. Take 10-minutes of rest after you do the exercise.
Just a note: I'm not going to speculate on the metaphysics of this. It's not possible for humans to know, IMO, whether we are all 'one' or whether dualism exists all the up and all the way down--Dvaita. Some may know that I sit on the Dualist side of the fence. For me, in the west,​ this plays out as Christian Gnosticism. Would you like to get the hell out of this Matrix? Breathe!
Happy Breathing! And an empty stomach is best...

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Nice one dude, I'm seeking some new inspiration so I'll look into this.

Hey pf:) See below:)))

Going to try it!

That a girl! I'll link the spiel below from one who might have known. What's interesting to me is that he even admits that it's all hermeneutics in the video! And then goes on to insist definitively what these experiences are (cognitive dissonance). And secrets surrounding this issue are mired in 10,000 years of religious treachery and political/cultural hegemony which now spans the whole earth. Having said that, breathe! But have a healthy respect for whatever is going on here. FWIW: not much good has come out of these ancient teachings within the western capitalist mind--spiritual materialism, really, or what I call​, The Power of Neoliberal Capitalist Now.

Focusing on my breathing is and has always been very helpful for the "dissonance "

I'm 13 out of 15 days into this. I'm sleeping better; the dreams are way more intense, and my mood and equanimity have improved. I'm going to keep at it and I'll report in as time goes​ by...