Enthusiastic People: Traits and Values

in motivation •  2 years ago 

Excited people have several qualities. They may express themselves and motivate others by channelling their creative energy. Enthusiastic people don't let nervousness hold them back. Instead of being afraid, they create ways to achieve their goals. Enthusiastic people cherish their skills and know how to enhance them. They take risks to achieve their goals.


The Big Five concept is utilised in psychology to study people's personalities. Kaufman and Smillie used this idea to study happiness and personality. Extraverts are enthusiastic. People with this trait are usually energetic and extroverted. They're generally optimistic. Check out the HPTI to see whether you're excited.

Time is an essential component in determining happiness, and this shows in our mental health. More time spent on joyful activities increases the likelihood of happiness. There are ways to maximise our time and satisfaction. Three examples follow. Let's examine each in detail. These activities may make us happier. First, more time.

Money isn't necessarily a reliable sign of success, despite popular belief. Instead of stuff, your contributions will decide your success. Money can buy a lot of things, but it's not the key to success. Some of the world's most successful people started with little money and support. Their persistent resolve helped them succeed.

Healthy connections are a key to personal growth. Time and age reduce the positive impact of pleasant connections on human growth. Older adults with more positive relationships grew more than younger persons with fewer favourable relationships. As we age, we must build healthy relationships with others to flourish.


Professor Ganzach found a link between intelligence and pay growth. The upward income trajectory measures a person's salary growth across their working life. Rising earnings increase a person's chances of success in their sector. Entry-level candidates may lack the track record and traditional job experience needed for higher positions, but they often have a wide range of skills and competence.

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