Why I Persisted with Running for Two Months? Nothing Has Changed.

in running •  2 months ago 

Why I Persisted with Running for Two Months? Nothing Has Changed.


Running is often recommended as one of the best forms of exercise for both physical and mental health. Two months ago, I decided to give running a serious try, hoping to see improvements in my health and well-being. However, after two months of consistent effort, I realized that some things remained unchanged. Here's my experience and what I learned from it.

Expectation vs. Reality

Physical Changes

I expected to see significant physical changes, such as weight loss and increased muscle tone. However, after two months of running, my weight remained the same. While my endurance improved and I could run longer distances without getting tired, the physical appearance I hoped for did not manifest.

Mental Health

Many people rave about the mental health benefits of running, such as reduced anxiety and improved mood. For me, while I did experience occasional runner's highs, my overall mental state remained largely unchanged. I still faced the same stress and anxieties as before.

Lessons Learned

Consistency is Key

One of the most important lessons I learned is the importance of consistency. Even though the changes were not as dramatic as I hoped, the fact that I stuck with running for two months is an achievement in itself. This consistency has taught me discipline and commitment.

Patience is Essential

Another key takeaway is the need for patience. Physical and mental changes often take longer to manifest than we expect. It's important to keep going and not get discouraged by the lack of immediate results.

Enjoy the Process

Finally, I learned to enjoy the process rather than just focusing on the end goals. Running became a time for me to clear my mind, enjoy nature, and have a break from daily routines. This shift in perspective helped me appreciate the act of running itself.


While my two-month running journey did not bring about the dramatic changes I initially hoped for, it taught me valuable lessons about consistency, patience, and finding joy in the process. Running is not a magic solution, but it can be a rewarding practice if approached with the right mindset.

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