This summer my goal is to be a skilled runner!

in running •  7 years ago 


Today I did the same run I did three days ago. I walked the first part on concrete to reduce impact on my knees, but after that I ran. I noticed the other day there was a segment registered on Strava for a little part of the run so I aimed for a better time today. Such a great motivation to beat my old times!

I love competing against myself, and registering the distance and time is a lot of fun.
Here are my other stats from the run. Last time it registered the run as being 3,5 km, today 3,3. That’s weird..,

Running in nice weather and pretty surroundings sure helps as well.

I’m also joining the @runningproject and look forward to read about other runners, learn more about running and be even more motivated!

Thanks for stopping by!


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*When someone tells you that what you want to do is impossible, change the word in your head to hard. What you want to do is hard. Hard is doable – it just requires dedicated work and effort and you can make it happen.

*Resteemed by @runningproject

You will become a skilled runner! But what happened with your pace at the end of your run? And best opponents will be always you and yourself. Keep on running! 🏃‍♀️

Thanks a lot for believing in me! I’m not sure what you mean about the pace in the end, but the end is running up steep stairs to the summerhouse. Will keep on running👍😎

the last 3 a 400 meters i mean. It instantly drops down. Are those the stairs?
Got any running plans for the weekend? I hope I'll have some time again. Would be the perfect birthdaygift this Saturday some time for a good run at the beach. 😍

Yes, definitely the stairs... Here’s a photo from the last part up.
Just back from a run now, think I’ll do some strenght training tomorrow and run again on sunday. It’s your birthday tomorrow? Congratulations in advance!🍾😎🎁