in running •  7 years ago  (edited)

I remember the early days as I child when everyone said..."Slow down". Why? I would always question that statement. That lead to a student who ran track, water skied and snow skied. Forever active. Then came the sedentary days. The fancy corporate days when I sat at a desk. Although I was a mean squash player and I still skied on the water and the snow, it was not something I did on a consistent basis. Somewhere after all that life took on a different menu and I had three children. My exercise involved running after them. As they grew it involved running them around. Although I occasionally skied or skated with them, it was not a regular schedule of exercise.

I went back to work and then back to school and then began working a lot. I managed a Health Food Store and even though I was on the floor with customers I sat at a desk "A LOT". Then I would go home cook a nutritious dinner and sit on the couch to read or watch a movie. Deep inside was that itch to run, to have some movement. Around this time my youngest started to run and I would follow her circuit and cheer her on. I spent countless hours at the Running Room helping her purchase shoes and clothing, telling myself I could not do it anymore. I am into "YOGA."

One day... I remember it so well October, 2001. A beautiful fall day and I was in Downtown Toronto at a food conference.
I happened to be in the midst of the Scotiabank Marathon. As I stood on that sidewalk and watched all the runners swooshing by, something inside me stirred. I wanted to do that, I wanted to be them. I could hardly contain myself. My enthusiasm. I wanted to take off my Corporate Attire and put on my shoes and shorts. I remember saying to my co-workers who were with me at the time. "I want to do that, I am going to do that". The vision of those runners stayed with me all day and everyday.

Now images are great. Thoughts and ideas are great. But how was I going to put my plan into some kind of action.
I would watch my young daughter put on her shoes and shorts, open the front door and start running. Ok I thought, I am older, but I can do that. NOPE, a middle age something does not do that...ever. I could barely make it to the end of the block and we were the 4th house from the end. Hmmmmm. Everywhere I drove in my neighbourhood I would see runners of all ages and I thought what on earth do they know that I don't.

So I did what all New Age Millennial people do. I sat at my desk in my office and got on the Internet. How to start running. I realized I needed a plan. An easy plan but a sound plan. Although I have lots to tell you all about proper shoes and clothing, stretching and nutrition we will start today with just making a sound plan.

Now remember always use the KISS principle. Keep it simple stupid or we could say sweetie.

Always just take one small action.

Get off that couch and your computer. Plug four or five 15 minute runs or walks (if you are not currently exercising) into your schedule for the week. That should be enough to build some fitness and establish a routine without overtaxing your body. Write this down and make it non negotiable.

Complete your first session. If you have already been doing some walking or running, run for one minute and walk for three-repeat for 20 minutes total. Are you new to exercise? Go for a 15 minute walk. Do not try to do too much too soon. Everyone is different. Don't dismay. It may take you 8 weeks to be able to run 5 mimutes without stopping. When you are done look for a training plan that works for you and that you will enjoy.

You now can reward yourself. Create a progress chart. You will need to find ways to fuel your motivation after your initial enthusiasm has ebbed. Go out and get yourself a new pair of running shoes. Sign yourself up for a fun run.

More info on proper runningshoes, nutrition, clothing and stretching will follow in subsequent posts.


Yours in running: Seabrightrunner

Source: Goggle Images

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Boy, oh boy, I am telling you: You are getting me closer to wanting to run than anything ever did.

It's funny you mention the couch to 5k as my niece and close friend (we are only three years apart in age) did it a few years back and went from sedentary to running her first 5k.

Now I personally have no desire to run in public. The idea of an organized run just does not meld with my ideals, but the idea of running for me does appeal. I love walking and have been sedentary in that and told myself in January that March would be my return to walking. Last year I was up to 5 mile a day walks five times a week and I loved it. Even then I would sometimes thing, "Hmm, maybe if I just ran a few feet?" but I chose not to.

You definitely have me thinking...

Stop thinking, lace up your shoes... and RUN! 🏃

I started in my 40's and it has positively affected every aspect of my life. Commit to run every other day for 3 weeks. And to start, you get to walk a lot. Do intervals. Check out the app Couch to 5K. (Yep, there's an app for that!)

You won't regret if you start running... but you will if you don't.

This post was an intro for those who are thinking about it, and something fun to write about. I have some followers in that category. Personally for me I have been running for apx 10 years. Lost track of how many races and half marathons I have done. Love them all. Big and small. City or country. I usually make it out the door 5 days out of 7. I am in like flint. :)))


I know... I was replying to @donnadavisart 😉

You are getting me closer to wanting to run than anything ever did.

you know..I actually thought that after..but hey..oh well :)))

Well it was worth a shot. Even the walking 5 miles is awesome really. Also a mile is longer than a kilometer for sure. I like to run either way. Alone or at a race. Here in Nova Scotia alone is really alone , this is not a populated province and I dont live in a populated area. I do belong to a run club. Run Nova Scotia and I follow their circuit around the province. They are mostly smaller races not too many people, just community fun and I am not that fast, so when you are near the end of the pack, well its not crowded. Occasionaly i go in for the big fun runs. Like the aforementioned Scotiabank runs. Lots of people and hoopla, but they are not for everyone. Just thought I would put it out there. Next week I may blog on proper shoes. hee. left right, left right. :)))

Fantastic post. @dailyrunner also posted yesterday about starting to run.

I decided to become a Steemian to write up my thoughts on this. It looks like there are a lot of us. It's good to find a home.

Yes. it is wonderful..Thank you.

I'm so proud of you for starting a challenging hobby like this so late in life, you really let others know, that it's never too late to begin anything!! Totally inspiring!!! xoxo

Thank you and now to get off the couch today. Look I see the sun xx

I like run soo much, im crazy jaja , im new posting about sport , i like this theme i will follow you , if you are interested see me last post

I love to run too. I will follow you. Word of advice to you. Don't resteem so much. Think of your own content and develop a following on subjects of interest. Otherwise you will loose followers quickly. Only resteem when its very very good, ocassionaly. No upvote from me today, I am waiting to reboot my upvotes. Nice to meet you on this platform

Nice to meet you too, thanks me friend i agree

The real purpose isn’t to win a race. It’s to test the limits of the human heart.
Unknown Runner

*Resteemed by @runningproject

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