The plan says 5 miles (8km) - The Great North Run - 65 Days to go

in running •  6 years ago 

My Journey to the Great North Run

I am trying hard to stick to the training plan that I’m following for a half marathon. I find that they work and if I don’t follow a plan I don’t run as regularly as I should and I feel a bit lost. So the plan on Thursday said run 5 miles. I was a work in the morning so I made my lunch to eat early at work then I’d be ready to run at 2pm.

It didnt go quite to plan, well the eating did but that always does lol. I looked at my watch it said weather - sunny 23 degrees. I thought about it, I would be silly to go out in that, I wouldn’t be able to run continuously it would be just too hot! I quickly decided I would have to go later in the evening when it cooled down a bit.

8pm and I finally go out for the 5 mile run. Definitely better temperature, still warm at 18 degrees but the sun had started to go set so it was beaming down on me. The run itself was ok. I had planned to run at a pace that was comfortable as I wanted to go out and enjoy the run.

Here the stats



Thanks for looking
Happy reading peeps 🖤

Proud to be part of @runningproject and @isotonic

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