How to think, develop, and make ideas for the good of people

in thinking •  10 months ago 

The things that smart people have made have led to our current level of society. The state of technology, culture, and the arts we have today is thanks to people who know how to think, develop, and make ideas for the good of people and science.

Scientific ideas have led to the progress of society over the last 200 years and to attempts to rule the rest of the world. Experiments, logic, technique, and observation are all ways that scientific thought is put into practice.

However, it is also true that we can't use scientific thinking in every part of our lives. To make choices in our personal and professional lives, as well as in our social ones, we need to use what I call "PRACTICAL THINKING" techniques.


These involve reasoning, thinking, and comparing the connections and facts between the mind and the subject.

To think means to have a mind that is fair and independent, not affected by thoughts or impressions. Thinking is trying to figure out what things and pictures mean by looking at their symbols in order to guess what will happen when people act in certain ways and interact with others and their surroundings.

We need to be decent, have good relationships, and be able to think clearly if we want to live in peace. But people aren't told to think in social settings, and especially not to think critically.

People in power and those who support the status quo are afraid of sensible people. People in our culture have thought about these things before. "You'd better not think" is something that all people believe from a very young age, even though it doesn't work as well as it used to.

These are things that are getting in the way. "It is harder to break a prejudice than to split an atom," Einstein once said. This means that we can't get away from the fact that mental walls also make it hard to think logically.

You can't think in a modern way if you don't keep your information and yourself up to date.

They think, but they can't get to the heart of the matter when they're not thinking deeply. Others do mental jobs quickly, hastily, or without fully understanding them, just like some people do physical work in a "half-assed" or "sloppy" way.

It is impossible for people who are mentally lost, have lost a lot in life, and have given up hope to think straight. Their inability to control their emotions and inner world is another obstacle.

Our goals, interests, and views on the world may "cover our eyes" when it comes to problems and truth. We might not have a clear picture of the outside world or our own opinion of it.

If you want to fully understand these pictures, you need to read a lot, talk and argue with smart people, and learn how to think.

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