for Lifelong Learning?

in habit •  7 months ago 

The abundance of information available to us now sets us apart from previous generations in a big way. But since we never comprehend it, the majority of this information escapes us without taxing our cognitive faculties.

The worst thing is that knowledge that could make our lives easier escapes us in addition to information that is superfluous. Taking notes is a straightforward answer to this problem, but how and why is it important?

You can begin by selecting any method or approach for taking notes. Establishing a procedure to gather the data that is circulating around us is crucial. Right now, we want to use knowledge retention to build lower-level cognitive abilities.


This is significant because it allows us to climb the cognitive hierarchy more quickly by making better use of our time and energy. If not, we'll have to work hard to go back to the beginning and start looking for knowledge, and it will be challenging for us to develop the necessary skills for advanced levels.

Driving more efficiently means beginning in third gear rather than continuously putting the car in first.

You've listened to podcasts and read a lot of books. Maybe they contained really insightful tales and teachings. You thought that most of them you would already be aware of and able to apply to your life.

However, because of our brain's innate ability to not encode information, the majority of it is forgotten. This is where having notes becomes crucial. Our goal is to give ourselves a "second brain."

By creating different links between our notes, we may use them to generate novel ideas and content and go back to them when needed. As a result, we are able to cultivate a personality that goes beyond simply comprehending what we read and hear.

We're not talking about taking notes at random, of course. You need a context for each of your notes. Even though you wrote the note yourself, it could appear pointless when you look back on it.

You must use a title and tag to contextualise it in order to prevent this. If the note was taken from a book, for instance, you might identify the book it was taken from and the keywords that brought it to mind.

Furthermore, connecting notes improves your odds of remembering them. This allows you to respond, astonished at your own level of creativity, by coming up with fresh concepts.

Create a brainstorming-like storm among your notes to do this. In this manner, concepts can be combined to form a larger whole.

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