외부 광고 수익 분배 완료

in hive-101145 •  4 years ago 

업뷰를 이용해주시는 모든분들께 감사의 말씀 드립니다.

지난 공지 에서 말씀 드린 부분 중 쿠팡파트너스/Qoo10 광고 중단 부분에 대한 정산을 금일 진행하였습니다.

그동안 매월 처리를 했어야 했으나, 많이 늦어진 점 사과드립니다.

쿠팡 파트너스로 인해 얻어진 수익은 매월 달랐지만 월 평균 3만원 조금 안되는 정도였었습니다.(쿠팡 파트너스 수익을 그대로 공개하는 것은 금지되어 있어 올려드리지 못하는 부분 양해바랍니다.)

이를 스팀으로 환산하여 광고를 해주신 분들께 보내드렸습니다.

대략 9개월 가까이 쿠팡파트너스 서비스를 해본 결과 눈에 띄는 증가세가 보이지 않았기에 이를 중단하고, 새로운 모델로 찾아뵐 예정입니다.(스팀 가격도 당시에 비해 많이 올라, 광고해주시는 분들의 노력에 비해 효과가 미미하다고 판단하였습니다.)


항상 감사드립니다.

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Why don't I get a vote from you while I've some delegation to you.. Is something amiss

Hi @sorsasta,

Upvoting service begin next day from delegation(based in Korean time, UTC +9)

hi when can i get upvote i sent 1 sbd but no response

There is no promotion service per posting.
There are only services that receive daily upvotes through SP delegation.

I returned your 1SBD.

@upvu STEEM PROMOTIONS | HOW CAN WE PROMOTE STEEMIT | @dobartim | By @doctorshahbaz
Read this content ! You would love that ( Steem promotions) , Waiting for your response!

I transfered 5 steem with the post link and i did not receive any upvotes

There is no promotion function per posting.
There are only services that receive daily upvotes through SP delegation.

Send UPVU (Steem-engine token) to @upvu to receive STEEM again. (Takes 2 weeks)

Ok i delegated 50sp to @upvu

@upvu i delegated 50sp yesterday and i have not received and support.


help me post @upvu

Hi @upvu, I am a new player in steemit, please help me in terms of voting, so that my steemit level goes up. Please vote for me.

안녕하세요. 12시간 전에 포스팅했는데 업보팅이 안 되서요. 확인 부탁드려요.

안녕하세요 @david1345님,

UPVU 보팅시스템이 밤 11:55분 이후에 글이 올라 가는 경우 보팅이 되지 않을 때가 있습니다. 그렇기 때문에 되도록이면 밤 11:50분 이전에 글을 작성하여 주시기 바랍니다.

대신 다음날 스팀보상을 평소보다 50% 더 받으셨을 겁니다. 참고바랍니다.!
불편드려 죄송합니다.

6/21 upvu voting을 받지 못했습니다. 확인 후 처리 부탁해요.

안녕하세요 @ghostminer님,


6월 21일 보팅이 오전 12:30분에 이미 한차례 이루어 졌기 때문에, 그 뒤에 글은 보팅이 나가지 않았습니다.
1일 1회이기 때문이구요!


upvu.site is down

please use http://upvu.org

ok thanks :)

Good evening @upvu, sorry for writing you through this medium. I would like to talk to you if possible, I know you are a very busy person, here I will leave you my discord fuentesjo3006#0288.


Hi @fuentesjo3006,
Sorry for the late reply.

It is difficult to chat normally. Sorry about that.!
Can you tell me in advance what the talk is about?

Thanks for answering my message @upvu, I am putting together a project for the creation of a sports community, I would like to receive advice from you to make a quality community.


Unfortunately, we are currently not running the community.
I can't seem to help with community management.

Thank you.

Thank you @upvufor taking a little of your time to answer me.


Hello I want to delegate more SP to you like a 1000SP but I have to stop the 250sp so that I can add it to the 1000sp thanks

Luar biasa


Hello @upvu, thank you for supporting users achieve their potential on this platform. I personally love this platform because of its proof of brain algorithm of rewarding members. Keep it up and together, we will send steem to the top. Shalom.

Hi @upvu I sent you 0.5sbd to upvoting my post for over 9 hour now the post hasn't been upvoted please can you see to that... Here is the post link


Hi @majorsmart,

I refunded your SBD.

But how do I request for an upvote for my post

There is no promotion service per posting.
There are only services that receive daily upvotes through SP delegation.

And thanks... But I really want to know what to do if I want to get an upvote

  ·  4 years ago 

Excuse me. I want to buy a thumbs up, but I left the address as UPVU by mistake, and I forwarded it to you twice in total 70steem. Can I have it back?


Hi @youandme,

If you sent Steem, you should have received the same amount of UPVU tokens(STEEM Engine Token). Send those UPVU tokens to @upvu and you will receive STEEM again within 2 weeks.


Hey please what can do for you to check out my drawings 🥺
I'm new here and I don't have steem if not I would've sent😪

  ·  4 years ago 

Just using the computer,70 UPVU tokens have been sent to @upvu.
Thanks again.

  ·  4 years ago 

안녕하세요, 제70 steem은 언제 받을 수 있을까요?


Hi @youandme,

You will receive next monday around 1:00 AM(based in Korean Time UTC +9).


  ·  4 years ago 


대단히 감사합니다. 🌹🌹🌹

  ·  4 years ago 

Hi~ upvu!
@youandme has gifted you 1 SHOP!

Currently you have: 1 SHOP

View or Exchange SHOP Please go to steem-engine.net.

Are you bored? Play Rock,Paper,Scissors game with me!
  ·  4 years ago 


hi when can i get upvote i sent 1 sbd but no response

Hi @upvu I have not gotten any steem since I delegated 1000SP to you, and I did the delegation since Saturday 3rd of July. So what is happening.

@upvu i delegated 50sp yesterday and i have not received and support.


@upvu i delegated 50sp yesterday and i have not received and support.


@upvu i delegated 50sp yesterday and i have not received and support.


You need to delegate more SP(minimum 150SP now).
We can not service user under minimum amount.

Sorry about that.

@upvu am not getting any steem since I delegated 1000SP on Saturday 3rd of July 2021, what is happening please.


  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Hi @cryptocheta,

You delegated 50SP on June 28th, and delegated 1000SP on July 3rd. 50SP is less than the minimum service quantity.

Therefore, there were no Steem Rewards during that period.
Rewards for 1000SP starts on the 7th day after delegation.

Note please.

OK it is clear now, I had 250SP before so I wanted to increase it a 1000SP mistakenly I now delegated 50SP lol, I didn't see it early. Thanks @upvu

Thanks for your answer.


I know you got lots of pending requests and questions but please help me with this. I sent 1SBD yesterday for upvotes and I just got to understand you dont accept that. Please refund it.

I also made a delegation yesterday, haven't gotten anything yet.

Hi @utyalves,

I understood about that. I returned your SBD.

Thanks @upvu, received.

What happens to the delegated SP?


You need to delegate more SP(minimum 150SP now).
We can not service user under minimum amount.


며칠 쉬고 포스팅했는데,
보팅이 제 포스팅한테는 안되는것 같아서,
여쭤봅니다 ~

안녕하세요 @rtytf2님..!!

확인해보니 어제 밤 11:59분에 작성이 되었네요.(한국 시간 기준이요 ^^;)
UPVU 로직상 현재 한국시간 기준 밤 11:55분 이후 포스팅에는 보팅이 안되는 부분이 있어 확인중입니다.

오늘부터 쭉 포스팅 하시는 부분은 잘 반영 될테니 참고바랍니다.

불편드려 죄송합니다.!! ㅠㅠ

별 말씀을요~
하루정도 skip 해도 되요 ㅎㅎㅎ.

감사합니다~~~~ upvu 짱입니다. Upvu 없었으면
많은분들 스팀 다 떠났을것 같습니다 ㅎㅎ

헙 감사합니다!!!
어제것도 어제날짜 기준으로 보팅은 해드렸습니다!!

스팀에 많은 분들이 계셔서 저희도 힘이됩니다!! ㅎㅎ


어제 쓴 글에 보팅이 들어오지 않았네요. 확인 부탁드립니다.

안녕하세요 @tailcock 님,

확인해보니 그저께 작성했던 "썸머랠리를 기다린다" 글이 7월 10일 00시01분에 작성이 되었습니다. 그리고 그 다음글도 역시나 7월 10일 같은 날짜의 오후 11시 44분에 작성이 되어서 보팅에서 제외되었습니다.

실제로는 7월 9일에 글작성을 1회 안한 것으로 생각하시면 될 것 같습니다.

Hello, @upvu, if I delegate 200 sp, how much votes I will get? And will I get vote everyday?please let me know.

Hi @tangera,

If you delegate 200 SP to @upvu, then you will get 0.01% upvoting from @upvu everyday. And some STEEM rewards after 7 days since delegated.


Hi @upvu! Special squad of highly trained hamsters prepared this delegation link for you:
steemconnect 200.0 SP delegation to @upvu.

Sorry to bother you, will you be able to review my Post and correct them?
It's been a long time since @wherein hasn't voted for me and the truth is that I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

https://upvu.site 접속시 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN 가 뜨는데 확인 부탁드립니다.

안녕하세요 @eversloth 님,

현재 업뷰 사이트는 https://upvu.org 로 변경되었습니다.!


저에게 투표해주세요

스팀잇 프로필의 사이트 링크가 upvu.site로 나옵니다. 수정해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
확인 감사드립니다.

아 네넵 확인하고 수정했습니다.!
알려주셔서 감사합니다.

Hey @upvo! can you support my post?