How to transform stress into positive energy? steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-155234 •  2 years ago 

We've all experienced work stress, family issues, and financial issues. We experience stress daily, and its long-term effects on our health are concerning. Which stress consequences are most noticeable on the body? You know they're not always bad? This article covers stress, its effects, and how to turn it into positive energy.

To combat negative stress, which is harmful to health, we must understand how our bodies react to it.

Stress can be acute or chronic. An basic, neurological response to threat causes acute stress. This stimulates our brain and releases adrenaline. This hormone causes immediate issues including elevated heart rate and perspiration.


To protect the body from adrenaline, another hormone takes over. Cortisol regulates.

Our bodies are programmed to react to stress. The adrenaline burst boosts mental and physical power threefold. This mood is temporary and hazardous if it persists.

Recurring and long-term stress is unhealthy, even if it is a normal bodily reaction. The main negative effects of stress are upset metabolism, physical symptoms, and disease risk.

One of the biggest risks is fatigue. When stressed, our body produces 10 times more energy. This causes tiredness over time.

If insomnia occurs, fatigue will increase. Adrenaline alerts us and disrupts sleep. The vicious cycle: sleeplessness increases stress.

Those predisposed to skin issues should be cautious. Common problems include psoriasis, hives, dermatitis, and acne under anxious situations.

Finally, stress typically delays eating. However, appetite issues (eating rapidly, poorly balanced, skipping meals, etc.) can affect weight and lead to diabetes.

Since we talk about bad stress, you should know that stress may also be positive. Stress hormones protect and help us fight and react.

Adrenaline increases heart rate, blood pressure, glucose release, and energy. All of this contracts muscles.

Stress helps us stay awake, therefore it's good. This increase in awareness improves cognitive performance, concentration, memory, and learning.

Finally, short-term stress activates our immune cells and defences. Stress also has benefits, believe it or not!

If stress can make us stronger and smarter, we should use it. How to tame, turn it into constructive stress, and make it our ally?

Ask yourself what caused this stress. To fight them, recognise them accurately. Take stock and relax: taking a few days off without leaving is effective, and self-care (baths, self-massage, etc.) boosts morale.

Take care of sleep and diet

Start a bedtime routine with a good book and an injection, no TV or phone.

Sports can turn mental exhaustion into physical fatigue.

Take real breaks to eat by diversifying the diet and not missing meals.

An event's approach bothers you since it's crucial. Move mountains and give all to reach your goals. Consider a tough meeting. Prepare well, anticipate questions and objections, and imagine the benefits of success. This perspective makes it simpler to overcome failure anxiety. You will have done your best and regret nothing.

In conclusion, a brief stress burst might be energising (positive stress), but it should not last. If you think things are getting out of hand, get help!

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