RE: Bye Steem!

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Bye Steem!

in hive •  5 years ago 

Let me try to get this straight: Lisp is a language for describing
algorithms. This was JohnMcCarthy's original purpose, anyway: to build
something more convenient than a Turing machine. Lisp is not about file,
socket or GUI programming - Lisp is about expressive power. (For
example, you can design multiple object systems for Lisp, in Lisp. Or
implement the now-fashionable AOP. Or do arbitrary transformations on
parsed source code.) If you don't value expressive power, Lisp ain't for
you. I, personally, would prefer Lisp to not become mainstream: this
would necessarily involve a dumbing down.
-- VladimirSlepnev

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Lisp programmers know the value of everything but the cost of nothing.
-- Alan J. Perlis

A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in
-- Alan J. Perlis (Epigrams in programming)

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results.
-- Benjamin Franklin

You can have premature generalization as well as premature optimization.
-- Bjarne Stroustrup

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

You have to write for your audience. I would never write (1..5).map
&'*2' in Java when I could write
new ResourceName('com.javax.magnitudes.integers').
new Functor () { public void eval (x) { return x * 2; } }))
I'm simplifying, of course, I've left out the security and logging
-- Reginald Braithwait

Resume writing is just like dating, or applying for a bank loan, in that
nobody wants you if you're desperate.
-- Steve Yegge.

The Work Begins Anew, The Hope Rises Again, And The Dream Lives On.
-- Ted Kennedy

Act from reason, and failure makes you rethink and study harder.
Act from faith, and failure makes you blame someone and push harder.
-- Erik Naggum

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Well, if you talk about programming to a group of programmers who use
the same language, they can become almost evangelistic about the
language. They form a tight-knit community, hold to certain beliefs, and
follow certain rules in their programming. It’s like a church with a
programming language for a Bible.
-- Gary Kildall (inventor of CP/M, one of the first OS for the micro).

1 - Creativity and innovation always build on the past.
2 - The past always tries to control the creativity that builds on it.
3 - Free societies enable the future by limiting the past.
4 - Ours is less and less a free society.
-- Lawrence Lessig, Free Culture.

I was talking recently to a friend who teaches at MIT. His field is hot
now and every year he is inundated by applications from would-be
graduate students. "A lot of them seem smart," he said. "What I can't
tell is whether they have any kind of taste."
-- Paul Graham

Well then. How could you possibly live without automated refactoring
tools? How else could you coordinate the caterpillar-like motions of all
Java’s identical tiny legs, its thousands of similar parts?
I’ll tell you how:
Ruby is a butterfly.
-- Stevey, Refactoring Trilogy, Part 1.

And if you go too far up, abstraction-wise, you run out of oxygen.
Sometimes smart thinkers just don't know when to stop, and they create
these absurd, all-encompassing, high-level pictures of the universe that
are all good and fine, but don't actually mean anything at all.
-- Joel Spolsky

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

That is one of the most distinctive differences between school and the
real world: there is no reward for putting in a good effort. In fact,
the whole concept of a "good effort" is a fake idea adults invented to
encourage kids. It is not found in nature.
-- Paul Graham

Ce n'est que par les relations qu'on entretient entre nos différentes
connaissances qu'elles nous restent accessibles.
-- Shnuup, sur l'hypertexte (SELFHTML -> Introduction -> Definitions sur l'hypertexte)

Never do the impossible. People will expect you to do it forever after.

Two people should stay together if together they are better people than
they would be individually.
-- ?

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations
which we can perform without thinking about them.
-- Alfred North Whitehead (Introduction to Mathematics)

The proof is by reductio ad absurdum, and reductio ad absurdum, which
Euclid loved so much, is one of a mathematician’s finest weapons. It is
a far finer gambit than any chess gambit: a chess player may offer the
sacrifice of a pawn or even a piece, but a mathematician offers the
-- G. H. Hardy

A guideline in the process of stepwise refinement should be the
principle to decompose decisions as much as possible, to untangle
aspects which are only seemingly interdependent, and to defer those
decisions which concern details of representation as long as possible.
-- Niklaus Wirth

Heureux l'étudiant qui comme la Rivière peut suivre son cours sans
quitter son lit...
-- Sebastien, sur

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

New eyes have X-ray vision. [someone that hasn't written it is more
likely to spot the bug. "someone" can be you after a break]
-- William S. Annis

A non negative binary integer value x is a power of 2 iff (x & (x-1)) is
0 using 2's complement arithmetic.
-- [fact]

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
-- Thomas Edison

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and
-- Mark Twain

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Revolutions come from standing on the shoulders of giants and facing in
a better direction.
-- Alan Kay

When you’ve got the code all ripped apart, it’s like a car that’s all
disassembled. You’ve got all the parts tying all over your garage and
you have to replace the broken part or the car will never run. It’s not
fun until the code gets back to the baseline again.
-- Gary Kildall (inventor of CP/M, one of the first OS for the micro).

Some may say Ruby is a bad rip-off of Lisp or Smalltalk, and I admit
that. But it is nicer to ordinary people.
-- Matz, LL2

The problem is that Microsoft just has no taste. And I don't mean that
in a small way, I mean that in a big way.
-- Steve Jobs

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

If I tell you I'm good, you would probably think I'm boasting. If I tell
you I'm no good, you know I'm lying.
-- Bruce Lee

In general, we can think of data as defined by some collection of
selectors and constructors, together with specified conditions that
these procedures must fulfill in order to be a valid representation.
-- SICP, What is meant by data?

Code is poetry.

A person won't become proficient at something until he or she has done
it many times. In other words., if you want someone to be really good at
building a software system, he or she will have to have built 10 or more
systems of that type.
-- Philip Greenspun