He turned his 28kg 5RM Kettlebell Press into a 32kg 11RM - last year. Here’s how…

in kettlebells •  15 days ago 

And that was on a “hard” lift - the double KB Military Press. (I’ll show you that in a minute…)
Unfortunately, most guys will never see those types of results.
3 Reasons:
1- They can’t / won’t / refuse to focus.
They either end up program-hopping with a nasty case of “Shiny Object Syndrome”...
2- The cares of life overwhelm them.
3- They’re so HYPER-focused on the outcome - the goal - they’re easily discouraged when the results don’t come “fast enough.”
Regardless, it all comes down to a failure to engage and stick to THE PROCESS.
But that didn’t happen to @PaulieShortcuts. Here’s what he said -
As you can see, he followed Kettlebell MAXIMORUM and ‘THE GIANT X.’
Both are programs.
And both consist of a PROCESS.
Follow either, or both, and you’re guaranteed some sort of positive strength gains.
If you’re tired of having nothing to show for your workouts, stick to a proven PROCESS.
I recommend you follow in @PaulieShortcuts footsteps.
Use either Kettlebell MAXIMORUM or ‘THE GIANT X.’ Or both.
Stay Strong,

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