Sometimes it’s hard to stick to a workout program, isn't it?
Especially when you -
Struggle with motivation
Feel like you never have time
There are so many choices of workouts
Feel like you need “variety”
… To name but a few reasons why.
Here’s how I do it - maybe you’ll find it helpful from someone who’s been working out / training for 35 years - through and around injuries… while traveling… under times of major life stresses…
1- Get a VISION:
There’s a great quote I love -
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
A vision is a picture of how you want things to be that you can see in your imagination.
Make it as clear as possible.
Then, walk toward it - one step, one task at a time.
… And do the bare minimum
Most people think about doing “all the things they should do" and either get overwhelmed and freeze up…
… Or get started on “all the things,” then fail because… Life.
Doing the bare minimum is “easy” - so easy, you feel almost like an idiot for NOT doing it.
Something like 10 to 15, maybe even 20 minutes…
Warm Up: 5 minutes
Main Session: 10-15 minutes
Cool Down: 5 minutes
Total minimum time: 20 minutes
This builds your “consistency” muscle.
Remember, consistency - not effort or intensity - is King.
3- Hold yourself accountable:
Integrity is like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it gets.
One of the easiest ways to remain “in integrity” with yourself - doing what you say you’re going to do, is to hold yourself accountable to someone or something.
Tell a like-minded friend or spouse about your vision - your goals.
Set up a consequence for not doing what you say you’re going to do. Pay $100 to a charity of your choice, for example. Or if you need negative re-enforcement - an organization you DON’T agree with.
Yet another way to hold yourself accountable is to pay for a professionally designed program instead of trying to come up with one yourself, or find “freebies” on the interwebz.
For the best of “bare minimum” and “holding yourself accountable,” I recommend Kettlebell W.O.D.
It’s a simple 5x a week plan - 20 minutes a day. For 53 weeks.
I’ll leave a link in the video description below for you to check it out.
People - especially busy, formerly athletic guys LOVE it because, with “minimal effort,” they see dramatic results.
They get significantly stronger.
They get shockingly better conditioned - some even passing the SFG 5-Minute Snatch Test - 100 Snatches in 5 minutes - 24kg for men (16kg for women).
And many are blown away at how simply showing up for 20 minutes a day - Almost like "practice"...
Makes them leaner - looser fitting pants, and develops a much more muscular upper body - upper back, shoulders and arms.
So remember -
Vision, Consistency, and Accountability will all keep you on the straight and narrow and before you know it, you’ll be a leaner, stronger, better conditioned version of your current self.
Stay Strong,