I wrote about this topic because a loved one lost a trial and wants to appeal since he believes he is innocent.
After three years, I questioned why he kept wasting his time and energy instead of giving up.
I expressed him my feelings and asked him why he didn't want to move on from this affair and focus on other tasks. He said he couldn't accept such unfairness and wanted to make sure no one else did. He also said if he did nothing, this unfairness would continue.
Those familiar with the five soul wounds will understand that he lets injustice dominate him. You ever stick with someone till you win? Like the example above, you may believe you're right but can't prove it.
I agree with the man that he is innocent, but he shouldn't fight to prove it. For what? Because fighting to right an injustice shows that we are not taking responsibility or solving anything. We blame others for injustice when only heavenly justice exists. We attract what we emit, thus we always get what we deserve.
You may think giving in is weak, that no one will fight for you if you don't. Fighting pleases your ego, not your soul, so you are not helping it evolve.
Let's say the man above wins on appeal. He will believe that his injustice came from outside, not within, after this win. He will attract more unfairness until he accepts responsibility and realises he is the only one who can build his life.
He caused this injustice by realising and accepting that he is unfair to others, including himself. Everything we condemn others of, we also accuse ourselves of. We're accused by others. We can only break this cycle by accepting ourselves.
Taking responsibility makes us smarter because we realise that if an action has unintended consequences, we may choose a better one. Additionally, taking responsibility for a problem will make it different if it happens again.
Let's say the man above lets go and discovers why he was wrongfully declared guilty. He will stop crying injustice if he is convicted again. He'll know why his circumstance happened quickly. Thus, he will live it in peace rather than accusing or responding to the point of fighting.
Remember that our reaction to a circumstance affects us, not the problem itself. Activated wounds impact every angry reaction that causes feelings. We will keep hurting if we don't repair our wounds. Accountability and acceptance are necessary to heal soul wounds.
All emotions weaken and sicken us. They don't realise that fighting to appear strong will damage them more than letting go and accepting self-love.