Myths and misconceptions about motivation

in life •  11 months ago 

Misconceptions regarding motivation abound. We give three frequent instances before revealing the true meaning of motivation.

Too often, we confuse motivation with hyper-concentration, the impression of working uninterrupted and without effort. However, motivation sometimes needs goodwill. The Le Robert dictionary defines motivation as "That which motivates an act, a behaviour." What drives someone. ".

Motivation doesn't require hyperfocus. Instead, motivation is the feeling that nothing can stop you from working or reaching your goals. Starting is frequently the hardest, so no one will blame you.


However, when you have excellent reasons to do the work and understand all the concerns, everything goes better and you approach it with less hesitation.

Misconception: to be motivated, you must locate what drives you and focus on it (like a task or industry).

Finding a job that fulfils you professionally is good. Your days won't always be perfect. There will be administrative days, months that are flat, and projects you don't care about. As a human with moods and energy, this doesn't mean you've lost motivation.

Knowing the value of your work keeps you motivated even when the day's activities bore you. When everyone knows how their job affects the company's goals, you always have context and clarity, keeping you focused on challenging days.

Myth: positive and negative motivation are different. This is caused by fear and causes long-term issues.

Fact: Motivation falls into two categories other than those above. Instead, we discuss inherent and extrinsic drive. The first is innate and driven by our desires. Second, we want to finish our work to meet our goals or avoid reprimands from our boss.

Intrinsic motivation is great for long-term team and individual motivation. This drive emphasises fulfilment, curiosity, and involvement. We no longer follow others' actions, but rather strive to achieve greatness for ourselves.

Extrinsic motivation offers benefits, especially as a boss. You must know when to motivate and reward subordinates. You may help your team members generate intrinsic motivation to attain their professional goals. However, little daily prizes like group recognition or public gratitude might help your colleagues feel like they're on the right track, especially if they come at the start of the year. project.

Understanding the importance of your work is still the greatest way to stay motivated. Connect your everyday activities to team and company goals. When you can see how your daily job fits into broader projects, you can discover inspiration to succeed.

This is where certain teams excel. Salespeople can easily see how their effort affects the company's revenue targets. Goal tracking tools help develop this link when it's harder.

Imagine working in a huge company's technical assistance department. Working on tickets and helping clients is your daily routine. These duties appear unconnected to the company's purpose.

You are crucial to customer satisfaction because you can respond swiftly to needs. The entire sales staff monitors the net recommendation rate (NPS) by delivering client satisfaction questionnaires.

This example motivates you to practically link your team's work to the company's goals? Track goals with a tool!

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