Everything you need to know about the prayer of abundancesteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  last year 

A spiritual practise called the abundance prayer aims to bring abundance into all facets of one's life. The manifestation of material wealth, professional success, thriving health, peaceful relationships, and many other things is possible with the help of this prayer.

The prayer of abundance can be used to draw spiritual, emotional, and intellectual wealth, even though it is frequently used to ask for material wealth.

The abundance prayer can be performed in a variety of ways, but it typically entails both asking the universe for abundance to manifest and engaging in some form of meditation or introspective thought.


You can use the following prayer for abundance to draw prosperity into your life:

"Hello, Universe!" I give you thanks for all the advantages I have experienced thus far in my life. I'm appreciative of the knowledge I've gained and the encounters I've had. I am also appreciative of my life's current abundance.

I make a request to the universe today for even more abundance to come into every area of my life. I pray for financial success so I can live comfortably and pursue my goals. I pray for professional success so I can advance in my career and give back to society. I pray for thriving health that will enable me to achieve my objectives and fully enjoy life.

I also ask for opportunities to learn and develop personally, as well as peaceful relationships with my family, friends, and coworkers. I am willing to put in the effort necessary to obtain abundance in any form.

I'm grateful to the universe for being so kind and generous to me. I have faith that you are aware of my plea for abundance and will grant it. I'm prepared to accept all the blessings you have to give. Amen. »

You can recite the Abundance Prayer every day or as often as you'd like. You must do it with a specific goal in mind and a firm belief that the universe will fulfil your expectations.

Keep in mind that the abundance prayer is a tool to help you align with the universe's positive energies in order to attract the things you want in your life rather than a secret formula that will instantly make you wealthy and successful. Be persistent and patient while letting the universe take its course.

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