How do you deal with a wounded ego?steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  last year 

When we react to a situation instead of living it, the ego takes over and activates one of the 5 soul wounds.

Our well-being should come from who we are and what we do, not from others' praise.

But remember that your ego might fool you into not seeing your wounds. The ego believes that if you become aware of it and refuse to take on its advice, you will suffer and lose protection. Each character type lets their ego fool them.

The avoidant (REJECTION) pretends to take care of himself and others to avoid rejection.

The dependant (ABANDON) fakes independence and tells everyone he doesn't need anyone.

Masochists (HUMILIATION) believe that helping others makes them happy and that they are listening to them. He is superb at pretending everything is fine and making excuses for humiliators.

The manipulator (BETRAYAL) believes he never lies, keeps his word, and is unafraid.

The stiff (INJUSTICE) loves to say he's fair, has no difficulties, and has many people who love him.


Our inner wounds heal like our physical wounds. Has anyone ever fiddled with a pimple on their face in anticipation of its disappearance? What happened? The zit definitely lasted longer and got bigger, right?

This happens when we don't trust our bodies' healing power. We must accept a problem by recognising that it has a message and loving it unconditionally before it will go away. Recognise, cherish, and accept your profound hurts.

To love unconditionally means to accept, recognise, and observe, even if you disagree or don't understand.

Realise that you do to others and yourself what you fear or blame them for.

These instances show how we can injure ourselves.

Rejectees feed their wounds by calling themselves useless, good for nothing, and insignificant, and by fleeing situations.

When someone abandons a project he cares about, lets himself fall, doesn't take care of himself, or doesn't give him enough attention, he feeds his wound. By clutching too much, he scares others and loses them, leaving him alone. He suffers and creates ailments to get attention.

The humiliated person feeds his wound by lowering himself, comparing himself to others, and accusing himself of being obese, bad, without will, profiteer, etc. He humiliates himself by getting dirty in disadvantageous clothes. Too much food to digest and absorb hurts his body. He sacrifices his freedom and leisure by taking on others' obligations.

The betrayed individual keeps his wound by lying to himself, believing lies, and breaking his promises. Without trusting others or delegating, he does everything himself to punish himself. He spends too much time checking out others' activities before spending time with himself.

Being too hard on oneself invites unfairness. He overextends and stresses himself. His self-criticism for even the smallest mistake is unjust. Because he pursues unattainable perfection, he struggles to perceive his strengths. His suffering comes from just seeing what was not done or the mistake made. His difficulties sexing himself hurts him.

In conclusion, being aware of when your ego rules your life rather than your heart is crucial.

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