There are a few strategies you might employ to persuade others to lend you extra assistance. A psychological notion, assumption, or other aspect is used to guide the development of each approach. Each strategy is equally effective in its own way. In reality, having a strategy in place might sometimes be sufficient to persuade someone to do what you desire. They're right in front of you.
It is the first step towards encouraging someone to do more for you when you give them a present. Do you possess something that the other person regards as valuable? Perhaps it's a well-known collector's item. Perhaps that is something that they require now more than ever before. Whatever it is, this is a highly effective persuasion tactic to employ.
It should be noted that you are under no need to present the gift right away. Your next step must be to conduct a follow-up. Providing anything to the person in the future when they will be of use to you is a legal requirement. As an example, if you know that they will cherish your goods in the future but not now, you may give them a gift on their birthday or another significant time in their lives. This displays that you took the time to think about that person and that you are more worried about their long-term pleasure than you are about the immediate gift you are presenting them.
When trying to persuade someone to do something for you, personal persuasion is the second strategy to take. It is nothing more than a tactic for persuading someone else to view things your way, even if they do not already agree with you. For example, if you work for a company that has clients, you will have to persuade them to choose your company over another. How? By supplying client testimonials that are complimentary of the service or product. This gives the buyer the impression that he is making a good decision by choosing to do business with your company.
Another strategy for persuading people is to offer them what looks to be a free trial period. The effectiveness of this method is enhanced if you have some relevant information that they can put to use. You may give them with a free eBook or a concise report that has a wealth of useful information. They'll be much more willing to agree to your suggestion if they understand that they'll receive anything in exchange for their cooperation.
The final step in persuading someone is to ensure that they believe you can be relied upon to carry out your promises. This can be accomplished by being nice and putting them at ease during the conversation. You don't want to come across as pushy or as if you're attempting to take advantage of the situation. Another thing to avoid is appearing overly reliant on others, as this will turn others off from helping you. If you can successfully persuade someone using these strategies, you can compel them to do whatever it takes to further your cause or assist you in your endeavors.