Useful thoughts to move from fear to motivation quicklysteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  last year 

We are strong and positive when we work on projects, dreams, and goals. We are driven.

But having bad thoughts and not knowing what will happen often stops your dreams from coming true.

Fear always makes things happen. This piece gives you quick ways to turn your fear into drive.

We know it's hard, but it's important to make choices without fear.

We are afraid of what we think will happen, not of what is actually happening.

How many times has your fear stopped you?

We're talking about times when you think the worst will happen.

Still not sure what to do, but you can see how everything will go wrong and what will happen as a result. You don't do anything since you don't want to.


Unfortunately, our minds can trick us, so we need to get rid of negative thoughts in order to move from fear to drive.

Clearing your mind helps you make good choices and stay away from thinking about things that make you afraid.

We shouldn't get stuck in our past mistakes and not do anything.

"I have to take a chance." It's easier to live when we realise that life has both wins and loses.

People who are afraid don't do anything bad, but it keeps them from getting better and moving forward.

Making mistakes is normal and even good. You might not have learned what you needed to know to be successful if you hadn't failed.

Even though it's hard to understand, we need to remember that when we failed, we learned something that will help us next time.

Do not be afraid of failing; instead, turn your fear into drive.

"Fear turns old friends into strangers"
We'll never be brave enough to try something new. We don't meet new people because we're afraid.

Do you do what people say and stay away from strangers? Then don't do it.

Sometimes it's not necessary to know people who are different.

We need to get over our fear of meeting and being around people who could make our lives better, not just anyone.

Remember that great people have a lot of contacts.

"People who don't want to take risks will never get anywhere in life."

Taking risks needs a certain mindset. This way of thinking makes you brave.

When you give in to your fear, you weaken your bravery and make being a coward stronger.

As a result, fear grows. The best way to do this is to get rid of ideas that stop us from making good choices.

We know it's easy to give in to fear, but that stops you from making the most important steps forward in your life.

"Getting rid of fear is a matter of attitude, not skill."
You can be ready if you have a great degree and have studied a lot. But this doesn't stop people from being afraid in some situations.

It's normal to feel afraid and unsure.

Giving in to fear and stopping to enjoy life is not normal.

Don't think that being ready will make you less scared. You'll feel the same way about anything new.

You believe these experts because they aren't scared and have been through these things before. Before you can achieve, you have to get over your fear and be motivated.

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