How to start a conversation easily?

in life •  last year 

There is a possibility that you are one of those individuals who is at a loss for words when it comes to initiating a discussion.

Despite the fact that you have been asked to a party or a professional conference, you choose not to engage in conversation with other people. This is because you are terrified of appearing uninteresting and you are afraid of making any expressions. It's possible that you're an introvert, that you're not used to networking, or that you've become exhausted of doing so.

Consequently, all of that is irrelevant because in this video, I am going to reveal to you how to break the ice with a few short statements that are right on the money.


It can be rather stressful to arrive at a place, a meeting, or a brunch where you do not know anyone, especially if you are an introvert or if you are not used to networking.

There is a possibility that this is the situation for you, and as a result, you might be thinking to yourself:

I have to talk about a very high-profile and very hard subject! "Well, that's it! I have to go and address it! The most recent winner of the Goncourt Prize is the theory of relativity! However, I do not possess a great deal of general information; therefore, what should I do?

In meetings, you may imagine that the people we value the most are the "know-it-alls" who flaunt their expertise, who enjoy talking about themselves, and who dominate the conversation. However, this is not the case.

Consider the following question: "Are these the individuals who, during the course of an evening or a meeting, will leave you with the most memorable and pleasurable memories available to you?"

To your good fortune, there is a friendlier and more straightforward approach to people that you can take during these meetings. It's referred to as "small talk."

What we refer to as "small conversations" are more commonly known as "small talks," and they are an excellent way to break the ice. In light of the fact that your objective is not to impress. Connecting with other individuals and getting to know new people is the most important thing.

Therefore, it is in your best interest to put the other person at ease so that you can establish this connection. In order to do so, you should talk about topics that are easy to understand, topics that are not contentious, and topics that are also accessible to the other person.

As a result of this, there is a topic that is universal, which is something that affects every single human being, and I have entitled it "the weather."

I'm going to hear you say something like, "Johanna, to tell you the truth, the weather is a rather mundane topic! I must say, your recommendations are a little bit of gibberish, huh!

Reconsider your thinking! One of the topics that tends to draw people together is the weather.

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