How to train yourself for acceptance of painful emotionssteemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  2 years ago 

"Letting go" refers to letting things "flow" naturally without pushing them. by being conscious that persistently fighting can obstruct discovery. finding new objectives, items, or people who might make us happy. Accepting that some things "are as they are" is a necessary step.

And that it would be a waste of our energy to judge them or attempt to change them when we lack the authority or even the right to do so.

On the other hand, to be "welcoming" is to approach the present with curiosity and openness. in order to grant oneself the chance to live "the new" without bias. To welcome is to care for our feelings, even the negative ones. You can view the situation more clearly when you are not constrained by your feelings. and so arrive at solutions in a reasonable and adaptable manner.


Acceptance is not the forced decision to "endure" everything apathetically. Instead, it is the capacity to approach reality from the appropriate perspective in order to engage with it. Therefore, genuine acceptance offers the opportunity to view the world from new perspectives and participate actively in one's own life.

by switching from the position of "spectator" (or "victim") to "protagonist". We give up trying to alter "the immutable" when we accept. We put our attention on our goals, our projects, and things that can make our lives better.

On the other hand, resignation implies the expectation that this circumstance or the person to whom we are attached will change. However, it makes us feel like we are powerless over our destiny and makes us feel like victims of our circumstances.

The fear of loss and emotional emptiness are concealed by the difficulty of letting go. Many times, this fear causes people to obstinately cling to the past, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Consider how a relationship might end at one partner's request. In this situation, it is typically the relentless pursuit of an answer to our insecurities ("Why don't you love me anymore?" "Why don't you love me?" "What can I do to win you back?") or, on the other hand, of the desperate attempt to change the other, based on the conviction that "Everything would be different if only X..."

An obvious sign of the difficulty of letting go and realising that a healthy relationship is free from forcings, dependencies, and manoeuvres meant to change (or please) the other is believing that loving requires sacrifice.

Accepting unpleasant feelings is closely related to how difficult it is to let go. We typically use avoidance or repression to defend ourselves.

Even if your emotions are unpleasant, allowing yourself to fully experience them means giving yourself the chance to meet and recognise them and allowing them the freedom to express themselves fully. Negative emotions can only be channelled and changed into new energy if they are expressed.

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