“I like people who vibrate, who don't need to be pushed or told, but who do what they know. People who pursue their dreams until they succeed.
I like people who can take responsibility for their acts, risk the certain for the unsure to pursue their ambition, and ignore sound advise by leaving the solutions to God our Father.
I admire people who are fair to themselves and others, who thank each day for the good things in their lives, live each hour with good humour, and give their best, grateful to be alive and able to smile, help, and give without expecting anything in return.
I like helpful, direct criticism without hurting me. Tactful people. I like fair-minded folks. These are my pals.
I like preachers of happiness. People who educate us to laugh at life via jokes. Keepers of childhood spirit. I enjoy energetic folks.
I admire honest people who can disagree with anyone on legitimate grounds. I admire committed, tenacious people who achieve their aims and ideals.
I like folks with standards who aren't afraid to accept mistakes or ignorance. People who admit their mistakes and strive to avoid them. Adversity fighters. I like problem-solvers.
I enjoy introspective people. People who value others beyond their appearance or social status. Not judging and not letting others judge. I like personalities.
It's the biggest mistake humans make to try to find in their heads what doesn't come from their hearts.
Sensitivity, courage, solidarity, kindness, respect, tranquilly, values, joy, humility, faith, happiness, tact, trust, hope, gratitude, wisdom, dreams, repentance, and love for others and themselves define PEOPLE.
To be around them, I feel myself lucky, thus I commit to anything for life.
Pure energy folks steal my smiles. You need a good balance to comprehend that everyone has flaws and strengths.
By pursuing motives and deceptions, we complicate our lives. We cause disenchantment.
We often fear people may exploit, injure, or deceive us. We can create a dreadful universe full of unrealistic ideas with a simply gesture or look.
People are good, yet we're all different. You don't need a good eye to understand this—just be open to respecting our relationships without worsening them.
We make mistakes and have shortcomings, but our perception emphasises them.
As Benedetti stated, there are many people worth surrounding oneself with who give us psychological air and are not harmful.
I love people as much as I enjoy smiling because committing to happiness, their greatest gift, is fine.
I like people who say what they mean, but I like them much more when they do.
Authenticity is important because the verbs speak and do coming together is a fantastic coincidence.