What is past-life regression?

in motivation •  2 years ago 

If you're considering past life regression to overcome painful former lives, you're in the right place. Regressing is a strong way to learn about oneself and let go of harsh comments. Even circumstances you couldn't handle with other approaches can be helped. This essay explains why regressing to past incarnations can help you learn about yourself.


Although most psychologists and medical professionals don't recognise previous life regression as a genuine type of therapy, some practitioners say it can assist detect and address subconscious problems. Prior-life memories might be anything, from childhood TV shows to past settings. These memories might hurt. Medical personnel must tell patients that reincarnation lacks scientific evidence. This will prevent the above scenario.

A hypnotist guides a client through "past life regression" relaxation techniques. Through these exercises, a client can access subconscious memories that may provide information about a prior life. Regression therapy might bring back memories from this lifetime. Despite not being scientifically proven, many people utilise this practise as hypnosis.

Past life regression may help you overcome bad luck or irrational worries. Repairing past traumas can help you uncover intuitive abilities and have a happier life in this incarnation. Previous life regression might help you overcome challenges by reawakening your creative potential. Past life therapy has benefits beyond these personal gains.

Regression therapy can overcome past-life traumas. Multiple Holocaust survivors pass on their trauma responses to their children, therefore a person may have undergone many traumas in prior lives. Trauma transmission spans generations. Trauma being recorded in a person's genetic code makes reincarnation significant, say proponents. Past life regression helps people overcome relationship troubles and experience tragedies. While not a remedy for past traumas, it can assist relive them.

Hazel Denning studied the benefits of past-life regression. Her research used questionnaires provided at various times during treatment. The statistics showed that most regressive clients had either disappeared or improved. Even people who didn't like their previous lives said this one was superior. Past life regression has this benefit.

Previous life regression is like stepping through an open door to different realms, say those who have experienced it. Effective past life therapy requires letting go of unpleasant experiences, as the practise may bring up painful memories. Regression often has enormous benefits. The technique can improve mental health and promote calm and healing. Before seeing a hypnotist, you should consider a few things.

Despite the American Psychological Association's scepticism about former life regression's morality and practicality, proponents say it can have an instant therapeutic benefit and requires less time and money than regular treatment. Psychotherapy involves exploring a patient's life history, bringing unconscious information to light, and changing a personality affected by repressed emotional events. This can take months to years.


Past life therapy involves guiding a client through a past life story using basic instructions and inquiries. This gives the client insight into the background of their current feelings. Therapists will discuss the nature of the soul and how it connects to clients' current difficulties while exploring past lives. People have reported seeing infants, babies, and childhood memories. Non-scientific method has several benefits.

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