How to Compliment - The Art of Giving Feedbacks

in motivation •  3 years ago 

If you want to say nice things about someone, read this article. We're going to talk about what kind of praises are OK and who to stay away from. When you praise someone, no one can make you feel bad about it. Accept the compliment politely if you are sincere when you help, help, or give advice, even if you don't get it. You don't have to give a reason or answer to the compliments you make. Only when you think it's important to show that the other person is making you feel great can there be an exception.

When you can, don't ask for anything in return. Whenever you can help someone without having to ask, do so. Support new recruits, help a friend who is hurting, help a charity, give your time, and make sure you know what you want out of life before you do anything else.


Set a goal, make a plan, and work hard to reach it. If you only have a vague idea of how to get there, you aren't being specific enough, and you won't meet your goals. To be more specific, you need to know what success means to you and how you will measure it, so you can be more specific. How well you can compliment people in a positive and caring way comes from having a clear goal in mind.

Be honest, no matter how small the statement appears to be. If you don't feel appreciated, it's up to you, not them, to decide whether or not to do something. Make sure you give yourself credit for trying when you don't feel like you deserve it or aren't loved. This will also make you want to work harder and get better results in the future.

When you need to, learn how to say no. You might find it hard at first, especially if you've been praised a lot. But you'll get used to it. Even if it's not the right time or you're tired of the praise, you should learn to say no.

It's important to learn to say "thank you" when people compliment you. In fact, after each job is done, you should do this as part of your daily routine. When you get flowers, food, or other gifts, this is also fine. Because you value their work and want them to have a good time on your behalf, you do this.

Make it a habit to compliment people. It doesn't matter that you don't want to say nice things. Do it anyway and see what happens! The more you do something, the more comfortable you will be with it. When you get used to giving compliments, you'll see how they can help you move up in your job or business.

They have a lot more power than just giving them, because of the positive effect they can have on your success. People will pay more attention to what you say, which will make it more likely that you will succeed. People are more likely to succeed because you will be working to make them feel good about themselves, which will make them more likely to do well at school. When people say nice things about you, it will have a big impact on your own success. In the end, you'll see that it was all worth it because you already have a lot of money and a good job.

When someone says, “You did a great job” or “You can do it,” they don't mean it. Genuine compliments make a better impression on people because they know you put a lot of work into them. If you think about it, they'll notice that it's not so bad when you do it. This has been proven to be a good way to get you excited about your work and your professional and business goals, too.

When someone compliments you, you should never feel bad about it. People may have been offended when they were complimented at the start, so make sure to make things right. Even if you don't think the compliment is very important, you should still thank them for it. You don't give a fuck what people say about you. It's important, though, that you listen to what people say about you instead of dismissing it out of hand.

If you want to make a good impression, it doesn't matter if you only say nice things about them. You must learn how to show true gratitude from the heart. To make a good impression on the person, you should do this. Then, long after the compliment fades away, the person will think of you for it. You'll be able to give without expecting anything in return when you do this.

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