How to identify your essential needs to simplify your life?

in motivation •  last year 

Normally control and order are desired by all human. Some fundamental human safety and security needs:

  • Financial security Health and well-being
  • Accident and injury prevention
  • Safety and security drive people to work, get health insurance, save money, and move to a safer neighbourhood.

The safety and physiology levels of Maslow's hierarchy are considered “basic needs.”

Social needs
Social needs in Maslow's hierarchy include love, acceptance, and belonging. The need for emotional relationships drives human behaviour at this level. Things that satisfy this urge are:


Love, acceptance, belonging:

  • Friendships
  • Romantic bonds
  • Relations with family
  • Social groups
  • Community groups
  • Religious groups and churches

To avoid loneliness, melancholy, and anxiety, feel loved and welcomed. Membership in religious, sports, book, and other groups, as well as personal interactions with friends, family, and lovers, are crucial.

After meeting the lower three categories, esteem needs motivate behaviour.

At this stage, respect and admiration become more vital. People must achieve and be recognised. Besides accomplishment and prestige, esteem demands include self-respect and personal worth.

People must feel respected and contributing to the world. Work, school, sports, and hobbies can all boost self-esteem.

People that meet their esteem requirements with self-confidence and external recognition are confident in their talents. Those with low self-esteem and respect may feel inferior.

The hierarchy's "psychological needs" are esteem and socialisation.

People might go on to higher demands after satisfying lesser ones. Psychological and social requirements increase as the pyramid rises.

Deprivation causes physiological, security, social, and esteem deficits. Lower-level requirements must be met to avoid negative sensations or consequences.

Growth Needs: Maslow calls the top pyramid needs growth needs. These requirements are driven by personal growth, not a shortage.

He noticed that some people value self-esteem over love. Creative fulfilment can trump basic requirements for some.

Cognitive requirements. These needs are knowledge-based. Most people desire to know about their world and place in it.
Beauty requirements. The need is to appreciate beauty and form. This can be met by appreciating or creating music, art, literature, and other creative disciplines.
Needs transcendence. Maslow felt that humans seek significance beyond the physical self. Helping others, faith, and nature can satisfy this urge.

“Details ruin our lives…simplify”
Henry David Thoreau

MentorShow discusses simplifying your life, from clutter and goods to tasks. However, a reader recently commented that he didn't know what to do with himself after quitting TV and other time-wasters.

The answer is simple: Do what you love.
His response is understandable but demonstrates a typical simplifying misconception, making it worth discussing. Misconception: simplifying means deleting, leaving a gap. Many believe it leads to a dull life. They're completely wrong.

The first guideline of simplification is to discover what is vital, what you like, and what is important to you, then remove everything that distracts you and hinders you from achieving it. what matters.

Overloaded with belongings, tasks, knowledge, and visual and emotional clutter, we feel overwhelmed. Result? Due to the numerous other things that have snuck into our life without our awareness, we wind up doing many things that aren't necessary.

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