Proven keys to turning your hypersensitivity into a strengthsteemCreated with Sketch.

in motivation •  last year 

Being hypersensitive is a mental trait that has more pros than cons for people who can control it and use it to their advantage.

To turn your sensitivities into a strength, you have to accept and own it. This is correct and important, even though it's simple. Do some of your feelings hurt more than others?

You also understand other people better than most, which helps you make and keep friends. Empathy means being sensitive to other people's feelings. Being hypersensitive is a gift, not a flaw.


To accept your sensitivities, you have to be able to relate to yourself as well as other people. There are many good things about being hypersensitive that can make your life better.

As a highly sensitive person, you should be proud of how your emotions and thoughts work. You should learn about yourself without judging yourself.

To do this, write down your personal traits, such as being highly sensitive to sensory input, having a strong intuition, or understanding information more quickly, and then list the benefits of each trait. This will help you see the good things about your feelings and slowly incorporate them into your life.

People who are hypersensitive may try to hide or ignore their feelings so they don't seem too emotional around other people and so they can meet their needs.

People who are hypersensitive won't try to hide their feelings; instead, they'll let them take over and "explode" without trying to.

To avoid this, be honest about how you feel through art, sports, writing, or public speaking. Accepting feelings, whether they are good or bad, and giving them a way to be heard is the idea.

Putting your feelings on the outside helps you control them, which is the first step to managing your emotions and making your sensitivity a strength.

So what if I'm extrasensitive?

Superior perception, empathy, hypervigilance, etc. Are you too sensitive to things around you? Hypersensitivity isn't a mistake! An online counsellor can help you accept your differences.

If you are hypersensitive, you may have trouble almost all the time with nerve weariness caused by strong feelings or environmental triggers.

To deal with your sensitivities, you need to make and keep a life balance that lets you do what you need to do without getting too tired. Stimuli that you face every day drain your mental energy, so take time to rest and recharge.

Keep in touch with your physical and emotional thoughts, as they can tell you a lot about your health. Don't push yourself when you feel like you're getting close to your limits.

People who are already very sensitive may experience hyperstimulation, which makes the nervous system go off and send distress messages through worry and stress.

People who are hypersensitive and have a hard time separating themselves from their inner world may also stop or think a lot.

There are deep questions in your mind about daily life and the choices you make.

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