Top Ways to Develop Your Inner Guidance SystemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in motivation •  last year 

I told you how to handle folks who think their guide has a message for us last month. Click here to read it. My topic this month is our inner guide.

People we meet personally or professionally help us see our flaws through their comments, inquiries, and reactions. We can call them guides to knowing us. A woman asks her buddy if she's okay because she's acting strange and fatigued. The friend could use this time to reflect and determine if these observations are true.


The reactions of others to what we do or say are always a reflection of our deepest selves, often unconsciously. I've often tried to make peace with someone who made me laugh only to find that when I spoke, she laughed at her own throat, feeling judged and accused.

So this gentleman guided me. His reply showed that I didn't accept myself in what I stated to him. It's better to say, "I see you don't like what I'm saying," than to start fighting. You helped me realise I don't accept myself here. I'll think about it and get back to you.

To find an answer, you must first ask a clear, exact question. Listen to your inner response and notice how it makes you feel. If you're largely afraid, your ego may be telling you. Good signs include feeling at peace with the answer.

To get more general responses regarding your life goals, ask yourself: What would I want if everything was great, no one cared, I had time, education, and the resources to get there?

Pay attentive and jot down the answer since your ego will make you forget it immediately. Just do your best to get there. It may take time, but the trip to your I WANT will be worthwhile.

Nobody needs to pay for our information. No one knows our soul's wants or life plan better than our inner GOD. We experience the latter through intuition. To the same extent, everyone has it. Only listening to your guide distinguishes them. We need to improve our listening because we don't trust each other.

You can also tell your inner guide what you desire before bed and ask for advice. You must ask for an answer. Be aware of your feelings and rising emotions when you wake up. Sudden, delicate intuition reactions are common.

Relearning how to feel as a child, before hurts and masks, is the finest approach to build intuition. Five times a day, ask yourself: How do I feel? Accept your feelings, favourable or negative, in the moment. Because humans cannot always feel glad or unpleasant, you are right. We must love ourselves even when situations don't go our way.

I want you to meet your inner God, your best friend on earth, and your true guidance. You no longer need to consider who to listen to.

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