How to develop ability to overcome adverse situations through resiliencesteemCreated with Sketch.

in motivation •  8 months ago 

Resilience is a buzzword because it makes films and books intriguing. Pens and cameras have followed individuals who did the unimaginable from a bad situation.

There are huge individual variances in how humans manage obstacles, and resilience is one of the elements that precisely explain these differences.

Today, we'll discuss three Zen questions that encourage us to persevere when luck is against us or when our faults cost us dearly.

Zen holds that everyone is resilient. However, storms can hinder it. However, it can be activated. The masters advised walking barefoot first. Foot touch with the earth is a natural way to connect with ourselves. Walking also mobilises internal energies.


When barefoot and walking, ask yourself these three questions to boost resilience. These are fundamental problems that seem abstract at first, but become clear when applied to the present. Three questions: Who are you? Where are you? You want what? Let's formulate them.

Who are you? is the first of three resilience-boosting questions. Instead of finding a concrete answer, discover who this person is who is having trouble right now. How is this person? What distinguishes her? He's missing what? She needs what?

Question requires non-intellectual solution. In other words, the purpose is not to list personal traits and then define ourselves. The activity involves feeling and seeing ourselves in the present. Your past or future differences don't matter. Our present state matters. Scared? Angry? Insecure? Exhausted?

Zen emphasises the necessity of knowing that we are the product of a family, environment, evolution, and universe. When considering who we are now, we must remember this.

The first of three questions need not be answered clearly. You must capture its essence. It's essential to building strength and resilience.

Where are you? is the second of three resilience-boosting questions. Like the last question, this is not a sensible question. Whether we're here. If not, where are we?

We are where ideas and emotions go, even if the body is elsewhere. In hard times, the mind often wanders to the past or future, fearing a replay of an unpleasant incident.

Reflecting on our situation builds resilience.
Your third resilience question is: what do you want? This is a practical question about cardiac goals in the moment. Deep breathing is crucial at this point. Deeply inhale and exhale.

Be mindful to your body's signals. How does pain affect the body? Any stress or pain? For what? Resilience is activated when we focus enough energy to conquer challenges with calm and hope. Desire creates or drains this energy. Wanting in your case?

Zen says resilience can't always be activated simultaneously. Repeating the activity may help you connect with your inner strength. You will feel stronger and lighter after the first try. Check it yourself!

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