Discover one of the most effective techniques to end stresssteemCreated with Sketch.

in motivation •  last year 

You've probably felt stress, anxiety, or panic, which sometimes fades. The outcome relies on our approach.

However, we can sometimes find ourselves in unmanageable situations that cause mental and emotional imbalance and pain.

Insecurity and constraint can paralyse, impair, and block daily life.

“Often, the prison we perceive is not a prison; the door is unlocked.”

Catherine Rambert

The frantic pace of modern life causes stress in everyone.


Daily pressures, increased violence, and other factors lower our quality of life.

However, Systematic Desensitisation can fix this.

Systematic desensitisation helps by reliving frightening experiences.

We use deep relaxation therapy to relieve discomfort.

Systematic desensitisation helps you become more aware of and articulate what you think and feel when you're stressed.

Relaxation will calm you and provide you the tools to learn from your experiences, reducing your anxiety.

Systematic desensitisation reinforces self-control through repetition and tempo that respects your emotions.

Thus, halt everything if you feel anxious during a session. After calming down, continue the technique to avoid increased rejection or aversion.

Unlearning our bad responses to stress and transcending it is the goal.

To achieve this, we must build capacities and resources to intentionally control distressing events.

Memory helps recall new learning as needed.

Systematic desensitisation can help you handle any anxiety-inducing situation.

You learn to manage your body and mind through breathing and relaxation.

Learning the relaxation technique employed in systematic desensitisation will improve your health.

This approach helps you develop mind-body integration and total well-being.

Conscious breathing and relaxation promote physical, mental, and emotional mastery and self-control.

Infections and physical symptoms grow less frequent and milder until some disappear.

Starting a systematic desensitisation process requires motivation.

The strategy works if you work at it; it's not easy, but it pays off. You must organise your thoughts and feelings.

Space and time are needed for systematic desensitisation.

Comfort, calm, and time without distractions are essential.

Try mild stretching to work out muscle tension and distension throughout your body.

The training must be interrupted, without effort, and with a deep breathing pattern.

Before or during the session, list all the scenarios that make you anxious, from least to most significant.

Then slowly imagine each event, expressing everything you feel and inhaling deeply.

Repeat this strategy as many times as needed until you master the scenario.

The most crucial thing is consistency. Continue until the stress level drops. Practice this twice a week and see results rapidly.

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