How to Give and Receive Compliments at Work

in motivation •  2 years ago 

It feels good to receive a compliment from a friend or coworker who takes pleasure in praising you. The opposite, receiving a compliment from a complete stranger, may be more revealing and profound than receiving one from a friend. Here's how to deal with praises from complete strangers.

As you may be aware, the majority of people despise receiving compliments from other people. This is due to the fact that friends and relatives usually compliment one another, yet a compliment from a stranger has a different effect on the recipient. It's true that the words used in a compliment have a greater emotional impact on us than the words stated by our friends and relatives.


Receiving compliments should not make you feel uncomfortable. A sincere praise is usually appreciated because it displays that you are concerned about what others think of you and that you care about their opinions. Giving a complement to someone, whether it's a coworker, a friend, or a family member, should be a pleasurable experience that leaves you feeling good about your own appearance and abilities. In the event that you are concerned about receiving a compliment, you should seek professional help immediately.

You might also attempt apologizing for your remark if you feel it was inappropriate. Some people are uncomfortable when they are complimented. The reason for this is that complimenters are often direct in their remarks. As a result, they are more prone to becoming pessimistic than others. It's preferable to simply deliver a praise to someone you know well and leave it at that. If you don't know the person very well, make an effort to express your regrets to them. The real expressing of regret will assist you in moving ahead after a traumatic event has occurred in your life.

If you don't like yourself, it may be tough for you to accept compliments from other people. If you have low self-esteem, it may be difficult for you to recognize your own worth and accept a complement. However, by practicing acceptance and acknowledging that you are deserving of praise, you will learn to express genuine gratitude when you receive comments and praise. It's also a good idea to get help if you're unhappy with your appearance.

As a result of receiving an inappropriate compliment, you may experience feelings of embarrassment. It's also likely to make you feel uneasy at the same time. Accepting a compliment that has been delivered in front of others is not a wise decision to make. This is due to the possibility that you will cringe and feel ashamed as a result of what you have spoken. In turn, your relationship may suffer as a result of this situation. If the person is truthful, a reluctant compliment, on the other hand, will be more significant to your connection than a confident compliment.

Acknowledging and expressing gratitude for a compliment is the correct way to respond to it. It's possible that receiving a compliment in front of others causes you to feel anxious or uncomfortable about yourself. There is a good chance that you may begin to ponder what is wrong with others and yourself. Consequently, upon accepting a compliment, it is vital to proceed with prudence. Even if you're in a relationship, it's best to approach them with an open mind when it comes to receiving them.

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