Your life will be much better if you are able to differentiate between the negative and the positive voices that are occurring within your head because there is a significant gap between the two. The reassuring voice will encourage you to work toward a goal and will serve as a guide to moral behavior. On the other hand, the destructive voice will lead to your failure due to the fact that it is detrimental. Your perspective on the world can have an effect on the way you feel about yourself. The unpleasant voice in your head may become an obstacle to your upward movement.
Your self-destructive inner voice is the voice of your critical inner monologue, which tells you over and over again that you are not good enough. It berates you for not achieving your objectives, and even if you do achieve them, you still run the risk of being harmed by it.
Your internal critic uses gloomy and worried language to convey information to you about every occurrence, and you respond to its counsel by behaving in a pessimistic manner. This inner voice can be helpful in that it can provide you with a constructive critique of the things you are doing, but ultimately, listening to it will result in more sadness than happiness.
On the other hand, the voices, both good and negative, that you hear inside your head encourage you to live up to your full potential. Your highest self is reflected by the competing voices in your head, whether they are constructive or destructive. These voices encourage you to strive hard to achieve your goals, but if you allow them to take precedence over your judgments, they may make your goals more difficult to achieve. As a result, it is essential to identify the destructive voice and take active steps to combat it.
The critical inner voice is typically obscured by actions and points of view that are more realistic and impartial. It is possible that this will make it difficult to differentiate between the two. The underlying message of it draws attention to the shortcomings you have, which can be demoralizing. In addition to this, it makes you feel depressed and even irritated, which contributes to the development of unhealthy behaviors and self-hatred. It is advisable to imagine of yourself as someone else and concentrate on your positive thoughts rather than dwelling on negative thoughts.
The critical one is the more damaging of the two voices that can be heard within. Harsh language and harsh judgment frequently play a role in the development of damaging patterns of conduct in individuals. The voice of criticism is not an accurate reflection of who you truly are. It is therefore advisable to treat it as unimportant and work toward making it disappear. As a direct consequence of this, you will be freed from its harmful effects. In addition to this, it will refrain from passing judgment on you. If you are able to differentiate between the constructive and destructive parts of your inner monologue, it will be much easy for you to manage the feelings of self-hatred that you experience.
You will be able to differentiate between them if you first determine which of your inner voices is responsible for making you feel badly. The critical voice will make you feel terrible about yourself and like a loser. Its goal is to bring about unhappiness in you. The encouraging voice is the one that motivates you to take action in the direction of your goals. The damaging voice is holding you back from moving forward.