Ostlöpet 2016

in running •  7 years ago 

I am on vacation. This means lots of traveling around Sweden visiting parents, parents in law, siblings and so on.

We (me, my wife and our two kids) arrived at my parents place today. My father had found a little fun race in the vacinity. A neat little race of 16 k with a total acent of about 500 meters.

The name of the race is Ostlöpet. A pun in Swedish, ost is Swedish for cheese and löpet is both the run and rennet (used in cheese making).

The race was my kind of favorite race. A small one arranged by a local sports club. A race with a familiar feeling even though you haven't met any one else in the race before.

The elevation plot from Strava

As you can see the race started of with quite a climb. I could climb well and only had to walk in the steepest part, in which I gained time on the ones that keepd running.

After the highest point started my favorite part, down hill. I am good at running downhill and managed to catch up to some of those that had higher speed up hill.

The downhill took its toll on my feet and gave me two large blisters on the instep of both my feets.

All in all this was a very good race. I finished in 1:12:22. And the race gives me hope about future trail runs.

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