BlogHide Resteemsplayer51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago煮饭加“2样东西”可以保存营养。专家揭示另一种保存方法:不要空锅电锅炉也有资料!台大生物产业系老师洪泰雄分享,除了水不要加太多、煮的时间不要太长外,还可以适量添加植物油或橄榄油。另外,米糠营养丰富,可以将其添加到米饭中煮食。…player51001 (8)in incredibleindia-s10w5 • 2 years ago"Hell Seafood" barnacles have you eaten? Foodies: Looks Scary But DeliciousGooseneck barnacles are known as "hell seafood". Many people are afraid to approach them because of their strange tentacles, but it is one of the most expensive seafood in the world. A few days ago…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago一碗台湾知名的阿汤咸味粥已经涨到9.6美元了。网络批评:太夸张,难以接受台湾台南人气酒吧“耀明咸粥”去年9月连续两次涨价。遮目鱼粥的价格从180元(新台币,下同)涨到260元,成为当时网友热议的话题。但几天前,有人注意到菜单上没有鱼。询问后才知道,现在点一碗粥要新台币180元,加上鱼要新台币120元,总共花了300元人民币(约9.6美元)才能点著名的牛奶。鱼肚咸粥”,让他说“难以接受,再见!”阿堂就是“咸”。…player51001 (8)in report • 2 years agoFlight attendants don't touch these five kinds of food on boardPassengers have different opinions on the preferences of airplane meals, so do the flight attendants who prepare meals for passengers like airplane meals? The "HuffPost" (HuffPost) interviewed three…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago伊藤源大麦茶35年销量130亿瓶,被金氏认证为史上最畅销产品日本饮料巨头伊藤園生产的“健康ミネラルむぎ茶”大麦茶自1988年开始上市,从此成为日本的可行产品。在一般超市、便利店或者自动售货机上经常可以看到伊藤園大麦茶。小路。近日,这款饮品获得金氏世界纪录认证,正式成为全球最畅销的大麦茶饮品。…player51001 (8)in report • 2 years ago4 kinds of vegetables cooked are more nutritious than raw and easy to promote human body absorptionThe U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend that Chinese people consume at least 2.5 cups (about three servings) of vegetables a day. Most people think that eating raw vegetables can directly absorb more…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago大小西红柿调节血糖,吃得更聪明更健康西红柿是常见的果蔬,无论是菜中的“大西红柿”还是饭后的“小西红柿”,都富含番茄红素、维生素A、维生素C等抗氧化营养素,热量低,膳食纤维含量高且营养丰富。营养价值十足。营养师李婉萍表示,小西红柿比较甜,属于水果,而大西红柿则属于蔬菜。生食或熟食是减肥最好的水果和蔬菜,也是调节血糖的好食物。…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago50岁以后,专家提醒,吃这些食物最重要身体的营养需求随着年龄的增长而变化。其中,维生素B12和Omega-3在预防痴呆症方面发挥着重要作用,钙对于骨骼健康很重要,而维生素D则与这两种元素有关。医学专家表示,所有老年人都应确保不缺乏这些营养素。 虽然它是一种健康食品选择,但其有效性尚不清楚,因此医生建议您从食物中获取大部分营养。50岁以上的人应该完全吃什么食物?那么每天吃的最重要的食物是什么?…player51001 (8)in burnsteem25 • 2 years agoThe man-made zoo was approved for listing, the Associated Press reporter tasted it: giving the taste of fearThe Ministry of Agriculture recently approved two companies, "Upside Foods" and "Good Meat", to sell "artificial chicken" cultured from cells. Artificial meat production aims to reduce the harm of…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago以为自己吃的是法式长棍面包,在西班牙点了一份迷你油条,却得到了一个超大的油条很多人都喜欢吃,但是每个人的胃口不一样。尤其是外出就餐时,看到餐厅菜单上写着“大碗”“小份”之类的字样,往往不知道份量有多大,有时点的份量并不满足。你的胃口。近日,一位日本网友在西班牙旅游时就遭遇了这样的事故。…player51001 (8)in academysummary-s10w4 • 2 years agoOrdering spaghetti with cappuccino can embarrass the Italian waiterThe video "A Cup of Cappuccino with Pasta" released by an Internet celebrity has recently attracted tens of millions of views on social networking sites. In the video, the woman ordered pasta and…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago他們都是這樣成長的他们唯一的儿子暑假结束后要出国留学。母亲担心道:“儿子连个鸡蛋都没煎过,我真担心他在外地吃垃圾食品,影响健康。” 我拍拍她的肩膀,真诚地说:“妈妈,放过他们吧,不要减少他们的机会。” 记得儿子去英国读第一学期时,我带着弟弟去看望他。我儿子租的公寓条件很好。至少床是床,桌子是桌子。战争是不可避免的。我没有看到任何蟑螂,这还不错。…player51001 (8)in report • 2 years agoAfter the king's full-legged worm and crocodile feet, I saw a whole frog lying on the side, only 6 bowls a dayAll kinds of weird ramen come out of Taiwan, from "King with footed worm ramen" to "crocodile foot ramen" and other strange-looking ramen that ignited the topic. Yunlin Beigang also has a special…player51001 (8)in report • 2 years agoThe hamburger jelly candy is upgraded to "Family"Hypermarkets sell a variety of snack biscuits, among which "hamburger jelly" is also one of the childhood snacks. Hamburger jelly is made of multiple colored jelly candies superimposed into a burger…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago日本米比台湾米好吗?老手透露3个影响口感的因素:华东米也很好吃很多日本料理都让台湾人直呼过瘾,尤其是日本米饭,松软可口,是台湾人的最爱。日前,有网友表示,很多人认为“日本大米正在输给台湾大米”,并好奇为什么“台湾大米输得这么厉害”?对此,网友认为“台湾的大米不一定丢了,差别与天气、水质和大米的种类有关”。。 有网友在PTT上发帖称,不少从日本回来的人评论说“日本的米比台湾的好”。日本人有帮助改善吗?怎么还是迷路了?”…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago不管冷热吃火锅,台湾品牌在越南插旗,朝圣风潮已满一个多月越南人爱吃火锅。市场上不仅有越南、中式、日式、韩式、泰式口味,台湾品牌也插上了自己的旗帜。他们最近在首都河内开业。以其干净香浓的汤汁和周到的服务,掀起一股朝圣旋风。已经一个多月了。…player51001 (8)in report • 2 years agoOrdering spaghetti with cappuccino will embarrass the Italian waiterThe video "A Cup of Cappuccino with Pasta" released by an Internet celebrity has recently attracted tens of millions of views on social networking sites. In the video, the woman ordered pasta and…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago点意大利面配卡布奇诺让意大利服务员自愧不如某网红发布的视频《一杯卡布奇诺配意大利面》近日在社交网络上吸引了千万观看量。视频中,女子在22:00点了面条和卡布奇诺,服务员嘀咕“这对我来说是多么痛苦”,最终决定采取“拖延战术”。 在意大利,面食只能搭配酒或饮料,不能搭配咖啡,尤其是卡布奇诺。在意大利喝卡布奇诺有一个不成文的规定,就是早餐只能喝卡布奇诺,十一点左右就不能喝卡布奇诺了。…player51001 (8)in steemit • 2 years agoIs Japanese rice better than Taiwanese rice? Laotao exposes 3 important influences on taste: Huadong rice is also very goodMany Japanese delicacies make Taiwanese people move their index fingers, especially Japanese rice, which is soft and delicious and is deeply loved by Taiwanese people. A few days ago, a netizen said…player51001 (8)in hive-180932 • 2 years ago瑞典过山车事故致1死7伤游客被甩直坠地美国东部时间上午11:52更新 10月25日,路透社和美联社援引瑞典通讯社(TTNewsAgency)和瑞典电视台(SwedishTV)等当地媒体报道称,“格罗纳隆德”游乐园的过山车发生事故(格罗娜·隆德)。今天该国的首都斯德哥尔摩,导致游客当场倒地。据了解,目前已造成1人死亡、7人受伤。伤者被送往医院接受治疗,其中包括儿童。…