BlogHide Resteemsyanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Thirteen石灰吟 SONG TO THE LIME 于谦 Yu Qian 千槌万凿出深山,You come out of deep mountains after hammer blows; 烈火焚烧若等闲。Under fire and water tortures you are not in woes. 粉身碎骨浑不怕,Though broken into pieces, you…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Twelve秋思 AUTUMN THOUGHTS 马致远 Ma Zhi yuan 枯藤老树昏鸦,Over old trees wreathed with rotten vines fly evening crows; 小桥流水人家。Under a small bridge near a cottage a stream flows; 古道西风瘦马,On ancient road in…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Eleven观书有感 THE BOOK 朱熹 Zhu Xi 半亩方塘一鉴开,There lies a glassy oblong pool, 天光云影共徘徊。Where light and shade pursue their course. 问渠哪得清如许?How can it be so clear and cool? 为有源头活水来。For water fresh comes…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Ten绝句 A QUATRAIN 李清照 Li Qing zhao 生当作人杰,Be man of men while you are alive; 死亦为鬼雄。Be soul of souls e’en though you’re dead! 至今思项羽,Think of Xiang Yu who’d not survive 不肯过江东。His men, whose…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Nine赋得古原草送别 GRASS ON THE ANCIENT PLAIN –FAREWELL TO A FRIEND 白居易 Bai Juyi 离离原上草,Wild grasses spread o’er ancient plain; 一岁一枯荣。With spring and fall they come and go. 野火烧不尽,Wild fire can’t burn them…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Eight关雎 Cooing And Wooing 关关雎鸠, By riverside are cooing 在河之洲. A pair of turtledoves; 窈窕淑女, A good young man is wooing 君子好逑. A fair maiden he loves. 参差荇菜, Water flows…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Seven春望 SPRING VIEW 杜甫 Du Fu 国破山河在,On war-torn land streams flow and mountains stand; 城春草木深。In towns unquiet grass and weeds run riot. 感时花溅泪,Grieved o’er the years, flowers are moved to tears;…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Six早发白帝城 LEAVING THE WHITE KING’S TOWN AT DAWN 李白 Li Bai 朝辞白帝彩云间,Leaving at dawn the White King crowned with rainbow cloud, 千里江陵一日还。I have sailed a thousand miles through Three Georges in a day.…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Five回乡偶书 HOME-COMING 贺知章 He Zhi zhang 少小离家老大回, Old, I return to the homeland while young, 乡音无改鬓毛衰。 Thinner has grown my hair, though I speak the same tongue. 儿童相见不相识, My children, whom I…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Four登鹳雀楼 ON THE STOCK TOWER 王之涣 Wang Zhi huan 白日依山尽,The sun beyond the mountain glows; 黄河入海流。The Yellow River seawards flows. 欲穷千里目,You can enjoy a great sight; 更上一层楼。By climbing to a…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry Three春晓 SPRING MORNING 孟浩然 Meng Haoran 春眠不觉晓,This spring morning in bed I’m lying, 处处闻啼鸟。Not to awake till birds are crying. 夜来风雨声,After one night of wind and showers, 花落知多少。How many are the…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years agoAppreciation of the charm of Chinese ancient poetry归园田居 RETURN TO NATURE 陶渊明 Tao Yuan ming 种豆南山下,I sow beans’ neath southern hill; 草盛豆苗稀。Bean shoots are lost where weeds o’ erthepath grow. 晨兴理荒秽,I weed at dawn though early still;…yanghai (25)in art • 7 years ago欣赏欣赏中国古诗词的魅力垓下歌 XIANG YU’S LAST SONG 项羽 XIANGYU 力拔山兮气盖世, I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might 时不利兮骓不逝。 But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won’t fight. 骓不逝兮可奈何! Whether my…