BlogHide Resteemsykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years agoTo tell you, this may be the most expensive watering can I have ever seenAnyone who loves wine can never have heard of Absolut Vodka. Vodka originated in Russia, but Absolute Vodka came from Åhus, a small town in Sweden. The reason why it is called "Absolut" is that it…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years agoHumor and low-level, sometimes only a thin line"Have you ever seen a perfect couple in this world, a true soul mate, without suspicion and anger? I know a couple, the two villains on the wedding cake, because they never need to face each other."…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years agoApple Original’s new ad, teach you how to write copyWhich invented the time-killing tool of TV series? It makes people addicted to it. Last month, I was beaten up by "Hou Yi Abandoned Soldier", and this month I was stuffed with dog food by "I am a…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years agoYou see, the poster of this book is provoking you!When I bought a book when I was young, I could only pay attention to whether the cover was good-looking and whether the content was interesting, but when I grew up buying a book, I paid special…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years agoSince it is second-hand, then follow through to the endIKEA was born in 1943. In the past 80 years, they have produced and sold countless simple and practical furniture. But time has passed. In recent years, some IKEA antique products have even become…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years agoThe copywriting of this ad makes me feel like a cloudGenerally speaking, the copywriting in tvc advertisements should be simple, lightweight, and able to accurately convey product information. The sound is often only a supplementary explanation, and…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years agoIn addition to service and meals, Mak Kee has discovered new selling pointsA few days ago, I saw people complaining about the high pressure at work and the shady work in the workplace. I really envy the full-time housewife staying at home every day, waking up and eating…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years ago用吞拿魚的長度來表示社交距離的設計師,這回又有新花樣了我在2020年裏,學到的最有意思的壹個詞就是“社交距離”(Social Distance)了。…ykeri (35)in hive-180932 • 4 years ago這些色彩瑰麗的畫作,居然使用壹張張折紙拼貼起來的?!過往上課無聊時,將用過稿紙進行折疊拼接,無疑是打發剩余課堂時間的最佳做法之壹。而若妳也曾經做過這件事並甚至壹度為此著迷,那麽妳已經半只腳踏入到衍紙(Paper Quilling)藝術的世界裏。…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years ago這是真正的“circle of life”吧伴隨健康生活方式的流行,騎行正在成為越來越多人周末的鍛煉項目。這讓騎行道或騎行場所,成為了不少人判斷壹座城市是否宜居的標註之壹。 能悠悠哉哉或盡全力享受騎自行車的快樂,確實是城市能送給居民的最好禮物之壹呢。 於是乎,看到比利時林堡這條名為“Cycling Through The Trees”的騎行道時,我又大吃起檸檬來。 受旅遊組織Visit…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years ago用日歷的厚薄,丈量時光的美好雖然沒有完成當人類學家的夢想,但每當身處壹個公共空間,我經常會用目光掃過四周,暗戳戳地做壹次私密的田野觀察。…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years ago藝術家去世了,街頭依然能看到她留下的詩意之聲我們喜歡塗鴉,喜歡城市藝術,但這壹次我們將要展示的壯觀巨型塗鴉,卻帶來壹個令人悲傷的消息。 阿根廷的女性藝術家Tamara Djurovic(在塗鴉界她的藝名為Hyuro),在以男性為主的巨型塗鴉藝術界獲得了極高的成就,是為數不多的在國際領域取得突破的女性藝術家之壹。而這位出色的女性,上周四在西班牙瓦倫西亞的家中因不知名的疾病去世,年僅46歲。…ykeri (35)in hive-180932 • 4 years ago嘶……好辣!嘴巴好痛!辣,如何體現在壹張海報上?在畫面鋪上滿屏紅艷艷的辣椒?讓吃的人滿臉通紅頭頂冒火?似乎都是不錯的辦法。但是還有沒有其他的方式,能將“辣”表現得更加具體和鮮明? 都說設計簡單不是問題,洞察才是核心,Amanita牌的辣椒醬抓住了壹個更加明確的意象,那就是吃完辣椒後的嘴唇。…ykeri (35)in hive-180932 • 4 years ago人性就是A面卑鄙無恥B面生來高貴今年感恩節很特別,是“五月花號”登錄北美大陸的400周年,壹只幸運的火雞“玉米”被特朗普總統赦免。不過,還有千百只火雞沒有那麽幸運,在闔家圍坐感恩上帝的溫馨氛圍中,成為桌上美餐。…ykeri (35)in hive-180932 • 4 years ago未寫完的武俠夢,何時能續上? | 靈感手抄本2004年11月24日,“香港四大才子”之壹的黃霑因肺癌逝世,終年63歲。 十六年過去了,楊過與小龍女都該再度重逢了。但隨著那壹代才子佳人的遠去,我們失去了那個刀劍如夢的江湖——那個可以飛天遁地不足怪,刀光劍影難稱奇,充滿英雄兒女、快意恩仇的江湖。…ykeri (35)in hive-180932 • 4 years ago黑不是黑白不是白,只想給妳點顏色看看俗话说,呃不~是小编说,每个人的人生都是从一张白纸开始,但只要脑洞够大,那么非但女娲娘娘也补不上,还可以化腐朽为神奇,化白纸为色卡,把整个充满奇幻色彩的非洲丛林变成一部30秒小动画。 视频地址: 美國著名塗料公司Sherwin…ykeri (35)in hive-180932 • 4 years ago這壹百萬億首詩,是感受詩意生活的鑰匙在國外的時候,曾經發生過這樣壹件小事。 在轟隆隆而充滿異味的地鐵上,每個人都沈沈欲睡。突然壹位姑娘站起來說:“我剛剛讀到了壹首詩,簡直太棒了!我想分享給大家!”隨即便有感情地朗讀起來。 作為過客的我自然覺得莫名其妙,但看到四周的人饒有興致地聽著姑娘讀詩,也忍不住點點頭,靜靜地聽她讀完那壹首短詩。奇怪的是,即便是只能捕捉到零碎的關鍵詞湊出的意象,依然讓我感覺到這首詩歌的美。…ykeri (35)in hive-180932 • 4 years ago通過數字技術,他把泛黃老地圖改造成立體藝術畫地理學是壹門高深的的學問,而地圖無疑是進行這壹切研究的起點。但看地圖並不是件容易的事情,如果妳在高中時代選了文科,想必會對解讀各種繁復地圖的痛有著深刻感悟。 如果地圖能夠有圖畫書壹半的趣味就好了,即使看不懂,光是欣賞欣賞也不錯呀。而在最近,常駐紐約布魯克林的插畫師Scott Reinhard將這件事變成了現實,通過數字技術讓泛黃的老地圖變得立體起來,觀感壹下子豐富了不少。…ykeri (35)in hive-185836 • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Under the neon lights, those words you haven't finished yetIn 1893, Nikola Tesla showed neon lights to the world for the first time-a tubular lamp that emits different colors by filling with rare gas. In the later popularization process, lamps with unique…ykeri (35)in hive-148497 • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.The designer helps you not watch your phone while eating | Think SmallAfter studying nutrition, I finally understood how big the weight of diet is on the path of weight loss. How much you eat, how good you eat, and when you eat, you have to pay attention to it, but…