How to Live Life Moment by Moment

in moment •  10 months ago 

We miss the moment when we dwell on the past, worry about the future, and judge others without thinking about them.

We feel happy when we see beautiful views and enjoy the colour, smell, and form of nature.

It's okay if we keep looking at how beautiful it is and thinking about it. This means, "We are making the most of the blessing we receive." To sum up, we are in the "Awareness Dimension."

When we worry about yesterday or tomorrow, happiness goes away. Awareness goes away.

Our feelings and thoughts have taken over. People are so focused on their thoughts that they can't see what they're looking at. For them, beauty is just an idea.


Thoughts and feelings can take over at times. Mind-wandering forces control us. We can't understand, think about, or make sense of the beauty in front of us, the features of the present moment, or the good things it does for us. Same thing as "sleep-walking"

Accepting the present is what "awareness" (an "Eastern philosophy" that forms the basis of "psychotherapy") means.

Being aware means paying attention to your thoughts and feelings. From the outside, he watches them. He doesn't reject, judge, or hide how he feels.

Focusing is a part of mindfulness. Attention is trained on purpose. It's easier to focus and find peace of mind when you are open, neutral, don't judge, don't focus on people and situations, and accept them as they are.

Being mindful can help you stay away from bad situations. First, our tendency to suffer, be sad, and fear will go down, and then it will go away completely because we won't care about what's going on.

This makes us happier. This is the way... It quickly and fully recognises the past, whether it was good or bad.

People who are unhappy or dissatisfied often feel sorrow, guilt, or unhappiness. Nervous people are worried about what will happen. Moving away from a time usually makes things worse. Every day, we daydream while we think. Dreams let us escape from the real world.

A person who is "aware" stops doing mental things that hurt them, accepts the past, and doesn't judge his surroundings or the people in them.

In particular, awareness skill keeps our ability to see and understand what is going on around and inside us safe from moment to moment. It is during these times that the "Awake Posture" happens, which means that awareness is clear and certain.

People who are very aware of their surroundings see life in a different way. They connect spiritually with everyone, everything, and God, regardless of race, faith, or language. What they think of as happiness changes.

Work for "the greatest happiness" by helping people and the world. This is heaven on earth, and that person has found the way to live a happy, peaceful, loving life all the time.

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