The best posts for each of the most popular tags on steemit.
Check them out below!
What makes our list special?
- We suffer very little influence from bots. They don't post much so whatever little influence they could get on our list fades away over time
- Our lists have credible authority because it is indirectly curated by users who have already collaborated on the same subjects (tags).
- Only the best content should show up on our lists, because they would have attracted more attention from reputable users on the appropriate tag.
- Lists quality is highly guaranteed because it's curation is contantly based only on active reputable users thanks to our vote value decay system and zero influence from users' steem power, and because self votes is deleted from calculations.
How it works:
Posts from each of the most popular tags get assigned a value based on who voted on them. The ones with the highest rank are put on our lists and get a SBD reward.
How much value a user's vote has is calculated based on how many reputation points they earned thanks to their own posts on the same tag.
I have reputation 10, and you have post with tag #deutsh.
I upvote you and you get +10 for your #deutsh tag reputation (#deutsch tag XP or points).
Now you are specialist for tag #deutsch and you can influence to post rating for tag #deutsh.
You upvote somebody with tag #deutsch and this man have 10 points in rating of posts for tag #deutsch.
The best post have max points.
Steem user reputation is not reputation, it is user activity index. You make posts and got points for your activity.
Rating is something more) Active people choose good authors and add them tags reputation points. People with tags reputation points are specialists. They can recommend us good posts. It is rating idea.
Earning vote value on a specific tag:
- Bob made three posts under the #steem tag. He earned 2 reputation points from the first, 1 from the second and none from the other. This means he ranked up 3 reputation points from posting under the #steem tag, so his vote is worth 3 points for other #steem posts.
- Because of this, Kate posted something on #steem and Bob voted on it, giving her post 3 points for our #steem list.
Effects of voting where you have earned no vote value:
- Even if Bob has posts from some other tags, too, he has no #photography posts, so he could not heave earned any reputation under that tag. His vote towards posts with tags that have earned him no reputation are worth zero.
- Peter then posted on #photography and Bob voted on it too, but that gave him no points for our #photography list.
Losing vote value for inactivity:
- While Bob doesn't post anything well curated on the #steemit tag, his influence will slowly lose value (it do other users and earn points for this tag).
Now, let's look at what we've got for the top tags!!
Best from all tags (20081 posts)
Rating | Post |
91.588 | Lighting escapades w/ latina pinup, Jacqlyn! @kommienezuspadt ★ 73 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.732 SBD ) reward |
90.566 | Nature Beers! @meesterboom ★ 140 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.040 SBD ) reward |
90.152 | A Hot Summer Day @oldtimer ★ 106 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (38.924 SBD ) reward |
90.065 | 迷糊的京东快递员 @oflyhigh ★ 130 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.814 SBD ) reward |
89.851 | Always Think Positive - Always Wake Up Keeping it in Your Mind... @chbartist ★ 1186 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (249.534 SBD ) reward |
89.756 | Your One-Stop Shop To Sushi Perfection @ezzy ★ 43 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.729 SBD ) reward |
89.632 | [DA series - Learn Python with Steem #10] Steem 小工具DIY #2 - 我的文章列表(一) @deanliu ★ 139 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.555 SBD ) reward |
89.603 | How "Small" Do You Think This Set is? @ezzy ★ 60 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (25.773 SBD ) reward |
89.521 | 金属蒲公英 @blackbunny ★ 50 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.705 SBD ) reward |
89.353 | 装灯 @oflyhigh ★ 116 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.804 SBD ) reward |
Tag "cn" (187 posts)
Rating | Post |
89.186 | [DA series - Learn Python with Steem #10] Steem 小工具DIY #2 - 我的文章列表(一) @deanliu ★ 139 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.555 SBD ) reward |
89.053 | [D&TT] 玩語音的下午 @deanliu ★ 120 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.478 SBD ) reward |
88.378 | 迷糊的京东快递员 @oflyhigh ★ 130 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.814 SBD ) reward |
88.261 | 金属蒲公英 @blackbunny ★ 50 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.705 SBD ) reward |
88.038 | 装灯 @oflyhigh ★ 116 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.804 SBD ) reward |
87.42 | [Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2018-08-18) @chinadaily ★ 65 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.346 SBD ) reward |
87.359 | Active authors & posts under the CN category [2018-08-16] @chinadaily ★ 63 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.142 SBD ) reward |
85.402 | Unemployed Diary 002 - First week, even busier than having a job 失業日記002 - 比工作更繁忙的一周 @aaronli ★ 214 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.025 SBD ) reward |
84.231 | Flower Carpet in Brussels Grand Place @joythewanderer ★ 171 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.990 SBD ) reward |
84.23 | 为梦想而每天把钱倒进海里的怪人 @linuslee0216 ★ 94 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.385 SBD ) reward |
Tag "kr" (653 posts)
Rating | Post |
81.3 | 이오스 램 시장의 전망과 더러움 @twinbraid ★ 103 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.838 SBD ) reward |
79.743 | 국회의원 열전 1 - 아내 대신 국회 챙긴 국회부의장 조봉암 @sanha88 ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.422 SBD ) reward |
79.667 | 여름을 즐거운 마음으로 보내면서 먹방 들어갑니다~^^ @cheongpyeongyull ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.775 SBD ) reward |
79.556 | [코인붓툰] 코인동자와 황소 @tata1 ★ 48 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.681 SBD ) reward |
78.297 | [후기] 올스팀 밋업 후기! 스팀잇 뉴비가 본 올스팀 밋업. @smocha7 ★ 28 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.201 SBD ) reward |
78.144 | 시원하고 평화로운 주말 되세요 @skuld2000 ★ 43 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.614 SBD ) reward |
78.106 | 야스쿠니 신사 @jsj1215 ★ 141 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.150 SBD ) reward |
77.943 | [새.가.들.다.] 20180819 @gilma ★ 28 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.140 SBD ) reward |
77.624 | 더운여름 순대국밥 이열치열! @jaytop ★ 40 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.237 SBD ) reward |
77.457 | 일, 블로그 그리고 스팀잇 생산성 관리(2) @boostyou ★ 28 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.162 SBD ) reward |
Tag "deutsch" (220 posts)
Tag "spanish" (791 posts)
Tag "pt" (68 posts)
Tag "japan" (58 posts)
Rating | Post |
77.389 | I Love Daiso @boxcarblue ★ 33 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.778 SBD ) reward |
77.016 | The Five Points of Voluntary Japan @voluntaryjapan ★ 15 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.859 SBD ) reward |
76.449 | Top 2 Expressions of Love on Greeting Cards Received from Women (Notes from Under the Tatami Mats–34 … My Adventures in Japan) @majes.tytyty ★ 87 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (101.305 SBD ) reward |
74.148 | Driveway or Flowerway? :: Beautiful Japan #87 @dbooster ★ 139 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.079 SBD ) reward |
73.845 | cherry blossom4 @g9g ★ 93 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.959 SBD ) reward |
70.625 | Kinosaki Onsen 城崎温泉 - The Town with 7 Baths in Hyogo, Japan @jrvacation ★ 200 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.310 SBD ) reward |
69.941 | Hello, steemit! @zakiyamakaoru ★ 24 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.365 SBD ) reward |
69.483 | 日本初のタイティー専門店 Piyanee(ピヤニ) @hiradate ★ 52 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.791 SBD ) reward |
69.286 | Seafood miso soup @japanguide ★ 6 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.775 SBD ) reward |
68.939 | [Tasteem] Tasteem日本語コンテスト募集のお知らせ! @tasteem-jp ★ 36 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.820 SBD ) reward |
Tag "ru" (52 posts)
Tag "life" (3323 posts)
Rating | Post |
88.793 | Always Think Positive - Always Wake Up Keeping it in Your Mind... @chbartist ★ 1186 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (249.534 SBD ) reward |
88.454 | How "Small" Do You Think This Set is? @ezzy ★ 60 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (25.773 SBD ) reward |
88.415 | Nature Beers! @meesterboom ★ 140 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.040 SBD ) reward |
88.167 | Your One-Stop Shop To Sushi Perfection @ezzy ★ 43 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.729 SBD ) reward |
88.017 | A video of a heroic dog rescue in the history classroom? That's edutainment! @hanshotfirst ★ 164 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (55.373 SBD ) reward |
87.331 | Lighting escapades w/ latina pinup, Jacqlyn! @kommienezuspadt ★ 73 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.732 SBD ) reward |
86.762 | What a Novel Way of Advertising Your Wares! @ezzy ★ 66 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.431 SBD ) reward |
86.572 | A Hot Summer Day @oldtimer ★ 106 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (38.924 SBD ) reward |
86.304 | And maybe it's as simple as that. Steem thoughts. @exyle ★ 433 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (50.835 SBD ) reward |
86.097 | Home-Grown Figs / 自家种的无花果 @rea ★ 113 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.964 SBD ) reward |
Tag "photography" (2578 posts)
Rating | Post |
87.243 | Lighting escapades w/ latina pinup, Jacqlyn! @kommienezuspadt ★ 73 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.732 SBD ) reward |
86.704 | 📷 Mountain landscape @leylar ★ 79 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.280 SBD ) reward |
86.108 | Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowl @gringalicious ★ 399 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (43.370 SBD ) reward |
86.02 | "Little Planet" Drone-Photography by redpalestino @redpalestino ★ 126 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (26.128 SBD ) reward |
85.917 | The Last Dream [Blue Light Effect] Photoshop @ykdesign ★ 49 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.369 SBD ) reward |
84.8 | The Old Dog: Starts His Vacation @kus-knee ★ 101 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (23.811 SBD ) reward |
84.781 | 📷Monthly Author Challenge #8.18 When you find the cake too sweet … 但蛋糕太甜时。。。 😎 #smartphonephotography (by @ace108) @ace108 ★ 66 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.154 SBD ) reward |
84.617 | nature №90 @alexin ★ 94 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.239 SBD ) reward |
84.496 | nature №89 @alexin ★ 136 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.240 SBD ) reward |
84.363 | SUMMER FLOWERS: Orange Flowers #24 @girlbeauty ★ 22 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (7.013 SBD ) reward |
Tag "blog" (1281 posts)
Rating | Post |
85.499 | ADSactly Game Review - Mafia III @adsactly ★ 621 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (88.722 SBD ) reward |
85.305 | A Hot Summer Day @oldtimer ★ 106 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (38.924 SBD ) reward |
84.131 | Always Think Positive - Always Wake Up Keeping it in Your Mind... @chbartist ★ 1186 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (249.534 SBD ) reward |
84.05 | How "Small" Do You Think This Set is? @ezzy ★ 60 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (25.773 SBD ) reward |
83.678 | Your One-Stop Shop To Sushi Perfection @ezzy ★ 43 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.729 SBD ) reward |
83.563 | Lighting escapades w/ latina pinup, Jacqlyn! @kommienezuspadt ★ 73 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.732 SBD ) reward |
83.518 | What a Novel Way of Advertising Your Wares! @ezzy ★ 66 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.431 SBD ) reward |
82.826 | Nature Beers! @meesterboom ★ 140 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.040 SBD ) reward |
81.542 | purge on steemit @flipstar ★ 60 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (12.979 SBD ) reward |
81.365 | Wrangling Rabid Ostriches @accio ★ 23 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.580 SBD ) reward |
Tag "busy" (1812 posts)
Tag "art" (1051 posts)
Rating | Post |
84.731 | The Last Dream [Blue Light Effect] Photoshop @ykdesign ★ 49 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.369 SBD ) reward |
82.2 | Lighting escapades w/ latina pinup, Jacqlyn! @kommienezuspadt ★ 73 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (27.732 SBD ) reward |
81.748 | Stardate 8.17.18 Art @saramiller ★ 74 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (12.850 SBD ) reward |
80.572 | Freaky tiny animals in the forest ^_^ @silviabeneforti ★ 30 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.195 SBD ) reward |
80.431 | I'm teaching my sister to draw) @andrianna ★ 35 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.006 SBD ) reward |
80.305 | Today I Lost Hours Of Art Material I Had By EdgarsArt @edgarsart ★ 29 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.680 SBD ) reward |
80.295 | Ice fantasies #1: Violet in the ice @animal-shelter ★ 14 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.522 SBD ) reward |
80.291 | Haunting @eveuncovered ★ 91 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.547 SBD ) reward |
80.029 | Colorchallenge: indigo @animal-shelter ★ 15 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.512 SBD ) reward |
80.025 | Leftover Polaroids @eveuncovered ★ 87 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.708 SBD ) reward |
Tag "steemit" (2087 posts)
Tag "nature" (1009 posts)
Rating | Post |
82.835 | nature №90 @alexin ★ 94 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.239 SBD ) reward |
82.774 | nature №89 @alexin ★ 136 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.240 SBD ) reward |
82.689 | SUMMER FLOWERS: Orange Flowers #24 @girlbeauty ★ 22 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (7.013 SBD ) reward |
82.688 | SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #189 @girlbeauty ★ 12 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.165 SBD ) reward |
82.688 | SUMMER FLOWERS: Red Flowers #38 @girlbeauty ★ 17 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.995 SBD ) reward |
82.688 | SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #190 @girlbeauty ★ 15 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.555 SBD ) reward |
82.686 | SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #191 @girlbeauty ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (7.996 SBD ) reward |
82.677 | SUMMER FLOWERS: Orange Flowers #23 @girlbeauty ★ 19 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.595 SBD ) reward |
82.677 | SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #188 @girlbeauty ★ 17 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.731 SBD ) reward |
81.555 | Small and fast @foxkoit ★ 32 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.999 SBD ) reward |
Tag "travel" (887 posts)
Tag "cryptocurrency" (1591 posts)
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